the main character should get the witchblade.
plus I'm still waiting for the author to come back on one of the books that I got hooked on called. the wrathful lily so if I can wait that long then just take your time and figure it out
if you ever feel like you had a roadblock these are some manga I recommend you read (Isekai Samurai)(Scarlet Star)(Graymark)(Sister and Giant:)(Yakuza Reincarnation)(Dirty Thirty ♡ Magical Girl)(Machigatta)(Murciélago)(Elden Ring yes it's a manga) anyway hitting a roadblock or feel like you're lacking in creativity can be pretty hard here's a good luck picture
if you ever feel confused about a story or think of a new one just make a chapter where people can write their ideas and just choose one from there. good luck soldier
how could you do this to me
excuse the misspell.
Soul Master Upon Gensokyo
Anime & Comics · HopelessHikikomori