

LV 13
2022-06-22 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 5

Moments 955
1 days ago

iIam tired of this I am not Duge thing... Come on dude ...

Duge's eyes swept over the few, and he said, "I know that you may think I have the most ulterior motives, suspecting that I want to use you to win the final victory. But let me tell you the truth; it's not the case. I am from Qiyuan Star, but I'm not Duge; I don't possess his strong competitive spirit.

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

1 days ago

just tell them that they die

Duge's eyes swept over the few, and he said, "I know that you may think I have the most ulterior motives, suspecting that I want to use you to win the final victory. But let me tell you the truth; it's not the case. I am from Qiyuan Star, but I'm not Duge; I don't possess his strong competitive spirit.

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

2 days ago

Kill him...

Suddenly, Duge found himself not so keen on seeing him die anymore.

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

2 days ago

what are you talking ?? you knew about the flag

For two days, his information had not been leaked, leading Duge to the false impression that Luo Yan's recruits lacked control abilities, and he was caught off guard.

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

3 days ago

what a newbie mistake that was??? You knew his powers .... you should have there wjth eyes closed

Zhang Xueqi didn't notice any difference between Duge and the others. He sighed and asked, "Lin Hong, what exactly did Luo Yan send you here for? I want the truth."

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

3 days ago

just fucking hit him

"And you'll continue to impersonate someone from Sirius." Duge took out his phone and swapped numbers with Feng Zhong, saying, "If you're going to impersonate, do it convincingly. I'll send you the contact codes for Sirius later."

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

3 days ago

shut your mouth

"Natural reflex," Feng Zhong chuckled with a red face. "I've been pretending to be a woman for so long, I almost forgot I'm still a man. It must be the hormones affecting me! Now, when I look at you, Brother Du, it's like you're surrounded by a halo, and I can't help but want to get close to you, and below... it feels a bit empty..."

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

4 days ago

can you please shut up??? you are like duge

"That's why I'm thinking of cultivating more powerful fighters. Only with the strong checking each other can the duration of the Alien Battlefield possibly be extended," Duge raised his head to look at the sky, and let out a bitter smile, "I've been thinking, why must we always follow the rules of the game? We are the ones playing the game, can't we make our own rules within it? Help me, consider it a capricious rebellion!"

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

4 days ago

I am tired of this I am not Duge thing ... Just fucking shut up

Duge watched the quarreling sides with great interest, and with a smiling countenance said, "I am not Duge; I don't have his impetuous nature. I am simply content to prolong this battlefield for several more decades.

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

Sci-fi · Cotton Jacket Guard

5 days ago

so your recipe leaked...b good job buffoons

However, what troubled him was that ever since Luo Mountain Prefecture became a target, he could no longer purchase materials for the new version of the Epiphyllum Elixir.

Immortality Cultivation: I Can increase My Stats Using Clansmen's Qi-Blood

Immortality Cultivation: I Can increase My Stats Using Clansmen's Qi-Blood

Eastern · Centenary Cattle