lisan al gaib The ancients whispered prophecies, but none foresaw a Webnovel this addictive. Each chapter resonates like a call of destiny, each twist hits like an unexpected sandstorm. If Lisan al-Gaib were to choose a new sacred text, this would undoubtedly be the one. Skeptics will deny it, but soon they will see the truth… and they will click ‘Next Chapter’ before they even realize it
and as I said before, if it’s really embarrassing, tell me, I will put quirk for alter
"My name's Hiroto," the boy said, adjusting his glasses. "My Alter is 'Targeted Impact.' I can focus kinetic energy into specific parts of my body for precise attacks."
Anime & Comics · alucard_TiK
First, I always read alter even in fanfictions, the "quirk", automatic translation by alter so I got used to it. second, if you are one of the people who, when things aren’t as you think or want them to be, feel a negative emotion ( I’m a bit like that too), I advise you to find a better author because I am incompetent and ChatGPT is not able to make chapters of more than 850 words
"My name's Hiroto," the boy said, adjusting his glasses. "My Alter is 'Targeted Impact.' I can focus kinetic energy into specific parts of my body for precise attacks."
Anime & Comics · alucard_TiK
in English it is quirk, but in French ( my language) it is translated alter, if it is really annoying I can use quirk
Скажи мне, если это правильно переведено🥺🥹 Добрый день/Добрый вечер Без проблем. Во-первых, не знаю, это из-за перевода или нет, но есть одна фраза, которую я не понимаю: 'Почему другое название для Альтеров'. Можете объяснить, пожалуйста? Во-вторых, они учатся в частной школе, которая готовит их либо к поступлению в университет, как UA, либо к работе в правительственных, частных или военных структурах. Что касается использования Альтеров, их разрешено применять в специально отведённых зонах под наблюдением компетентных людей (героев, учителей и других). Если это всё ещё не совсем ясно, советую прочитать дополнительные главы. Если после этого останутся вопросы, не стесняйтесь спрашивать снова."
And what would be the consequences of the butterfly effect if you use it?
Hello, I have a question. Since you're rewriting your story, there's a chance you might tweak the protagonist a bit. I was wondering, which level would you use from the following scale to describe the protagonist's memories of My Hero Academia? Level 5: The protagonist remembers everything (plot, characters, events). Level 4: They remember the main storyline but forget some details. Level 3: Their memories are fragmented, with only a few key events standing out. Level 2: Their memories are very blurry; they vaguely recognize the world and characters. Level 1: They have a few faint impressions but almost no clear information. Level 0: They have no memory of the world or their past. thx
Tftc Yes I don’t see the problem if vali can take advantage of it
Thank you for the chapter! I would have imagined the scavengers become true fanatics of omnimesia ".." "Omnissiah, Spirit of the Machine, Let gears turn with fury, circuits blaze with wrath. Blood oils the sacred engines, And steel hungers for the fight. In the name of war and the spark divine, Awaken and destroy! "
Vampire in DC
Anime & Comics · Hamtaro_