Kahn finds himself in the Dragon Ball universe as Kakarot's older brother after being sent to Earth by Bardock just before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Initially, he struggles with his low combat effectiveness due to being a low-level fighter.
However, everything changes when the long-awaited system finally activates—under one condition: Kahn must marry. With the help of a matchmaker(chichi), he finds a stunning and supportive wife, Vados. As Kahn's strength skyrockets with his newfound abilities, he enjoys a stable and happy life with his gentle and virtuous wives.
But when the God of Destruction, Beerus, arrives on Earth, Kahn is left in shock as he witnesses Vados effortlessly overpower him. This leads Kahn to question his wife's true identity, asking, "Honey, are you really Angel Vados?"
[This is just a translation!!]
Name: 人在西都:开局迎娶芭朵斯
Author: Sbaer
I tried to rearrange it 😭 I don't know what the issue is
Dragon Ball:Vados is my Wife
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