Hey I know this is risky because his new policy on WebNovel
You have my condolences and I hope you don’t lose your passion making this amazing and expiring story and I hope you stays safe out there as well and thank you for all your hard work.
I have not dropped the book I am just sick and have little energy to work on the story right now. I will begin writing again after I am feeling better.
TV · GramGeb
Yeah get well soon okay 👌
Thx for the Ghost Rider story and I can’t wait for the next chapter and also Johnny mum is totally a Badass parent. If I was a demon and I find out that she is the Mother F Ghost Rider then screw that bitch I’m out My response when I saw the Ghost Rider
Welcome back and please don’t drop this story.
Thank you for the story and chapter
Thank you for the update and can’t wait for the next one to come out.
Video game:I created silent hil scaring game worldwid!
Video Games · pokelax