We strolled through quiet streets, greeting neighbors who did double-takes at Mom's transformed appearance. I noticed several appreciative glances from passing men, my presence beside her keeping their attention respectfully brief. The few who lingered too long received looks that sent them hurrying away.
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
"All wisdom starts as cliché." His eyes crinkled. "Until you live long enough to understand it."
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
diabolically down
He stroked his mustache thoughtfully. "Youth is wasted on the young."
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Why didn't I listen?
One piece at a time, I thought, grabbing a dented toaster. Rome wasn't built in a day, and heroes aren't made overnight.
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Not to mention she's a Palum,Said to be the weakest race even by the lvl6 adventurer Finn who is a Palum himself.
Anime & Comics · nkcthereaper
The reason he hadn't killed Nina wasn't because of any lingering affection from their past. It was simply because he found her quick and efficient. And right now, he needed someone to clean, do laundry, and wash dishes.
Fantasy · GigglyCat
Instead, the zombie suddenly released her wrists, leaping off her and lunging toward the other girl.
Fantasy · GigglyCat
ur an idiot bro read it again
"I definitely haven't absorbed everything he can teach, but this should be enough," I said. I wasn't being humble, either. It'd have taken me a few months to absorb all the things he could teach. The man wasn't lacking materials to teach.
TV · Master4thWall
I'm afraid I have some bad news to share with everyone here. My pc needs work done and that means I can't write until that done with. In light of this I have to unfortunately go on a bit of a hiatus until it's fixed. Shouldn't be too long though, a few day to a week at most.
Anime & Comics · loskro
"Coming, coming." I smiled at Mom. "Think he knows you're making waffles?"
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels