Webnovel Author: Hai_Thi - Fanfic Collection



LV 1
2022-03-31 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 3

Moments 3


remember special system mentioned in chapter 8

When you ask why I don't make a machine that can produce nano-technology. Yes, that thought did indeed past my mind but after thinking second time, better go with simple first. Who knows what will be happened in future. I watched many zombies movie like zombieland, dawn of the dead, 28 days later,… and the shelter mostly get destroyed by zombies. I don't know can this apply in this situation but I rather safe than facing unknown thing. I didn't have much time after all. In the worst situation that zombie will evolve in future. To be honest, I don't want to fight face to face with it.

Otaku girl in multiverse

Otaku girl in multiverse

Anime & Comics · Hai_Thi
