I love the puns
21. Bearing the Alarm
Video Games · The_Bip_Boop2003
Otho is such an unusual character and I love it, not in the he's weird way, but he isn't your usual protaganist and it's very interesting to read from his perspective and see what and how he thinks
I thought frogs breathed through their skin
He took another breath, forcing himself to focus. If he was going to survive in this body, he needed to learn it.
Anime & Comics · Massinc1656
honestly would be a blessing for the gay community
Of course, he was not going to give this particular seal to the girls. Not yet. Not until they have their own miserable experience with long ninja missions in the wilderness. They first needed to suffer to have a proper appreciation for something as simple as a seal that removed their need to take a shit.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
idk maybe it's just me but why use the term female? feels very medical
The joke's on her. She was no longer even a bit angry. Dealing with an exasperated female was much easier than dealing with an angry one.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
nope 🤭
(It's VALENTINE!, IT'S VALENTINE GUYS, do you have somebody to spend time with today or not? Gimme the details! PS- I'm single, if somebody wants to know *wink *wink, lol )
Anime & Comics · Desire96
how soon?
// gonna post more soon, still stacking chapters ;P
Book&Literature · TheFoolButBusted
I can't say I didn't miss you but your mental health comes first, don't be afraid to take breaks more often <3
[A/N: Been a long break. I don't think I've taken such a long break from writing since ending my hiatus. Glad you guys supported me taking the break. It's been a good break to cool off a bit. Also thank you for all the responses in the polls. Gave me several new and fun ideas, which we'll see later in the story. Anyway, let's hit the ground running. We'll follow the same schedule as before. I'll write 6 days per week and take a break on Saturdays. Chapters will be published daily around this time.]
Fantasy · Devil_Hex
good, I was a little worried they would have some romance together
Also, Alvaerelle was gay. I had met her lover, a lovely elf named Merethyl, and she was very easygoing. They truly loved one another.
Movies · Zhang_Kai_Rui
Reborn in the Mist
Anime & Comics · Tim_Saian