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2022-02-11 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
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Moments 11
11 days ago
Replied to Noble_K1ng

I mean, I'm not going to say that's what happened, but I'm also not going to say that's NOT what happened. Feel free to draw your own conclusions :]

23 days ago
Replied to Leo_nard0

That's actually really cool! Thanks for sharing, dude

Ida has engines in his legs. Human machinery. He grew metal. That is not natural evolution.

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

3 months ago
Replied to Aukima_3246

Put it as a what on a huh?

Hey everyone! I'm back again, and this time with fan art! This phenominal picture of Project Rapture's first working prototype was made by little_art_mango on the Discord, so I want all of you to thank them in the comments, or I'll skin ya! They're also working on Izuzu, and it's looking really good! I'm not sure what I did to impress him enough to spend time drawing my work (or what I've done to get over 3 thousand people following this fic across different sites, for that matter), but I want to publicly thank him for his work, as well as all of you for reading!

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

4 months ago
Replied to Left_Nut_Of_Madara

God bless the Enclave, God bless America!

4 months ago
Replied to Gearjay

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Oh gosh, I'll try Liam, but whatever you're doing, you better do it fast!" Fred, a big bear mutant with a top hat and tie, said. "There are too many of 'em, and too few of us to man the whole line!"

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

4 months ago
Replied to NiDaMaDa

It's so good, man, I wish they had expanded on it- or at least borrowed more heavily from it when they made the Clone Wars show.

This chapter was brought to you by: "My rewatch of the 2003 clone wars cartoons, and how absolutely fucking awesome Grevious was in them."

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

4 months ago
Replied to A_Sleepless_dream

No, it wasn't Mouse- I actually watch her occasionally. I meant "mousy" as in a general term for something small, timid, and scrawny.

I dreamed that the Skibidi toilet trend died, and the social media vacuum was replaced by "female streamer burping compilations". There was this small petite girl, kinda mousy looking, who was the fastest growing channel of all time, and all she did was chug mountain dew and belch into the mic. She was being called the next Dream, from how many subs she was getting, and someone made a joke about her cheating in a burping speedrun that was so bad it physically woke me up.

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

4 months ago
Replied to HereForGoodRead

Still don'y know how (or even if you can) put pictures in your book on webnovel, like you can on a03, forgot to edit that out. :/ If you really want to see it, all the art is on the discord

Hey everyone! I'm back again, and this time with fan art! This phenominal picture of Project Rapture's first working prototype was made by little_art_mango on the Discord, so I want all of you to thank them in the comments, or I'll skin ya! They're also working on Izuzu, and it's looking really good! I'm not sure what I did to impress him enough to spend time drawing my work (or what I've done to get over 3 thousand people following this fic across different sites, for that matter), but I want to publicly thank him for his work, as well as all of you for reading!

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

5 months ago
Replied to NeroClaudius

I'm glad someone got it, lol

Moona clutched her hat to her head as she made her way down the narrow empty streets, her usually vibrant hair, as purple as a deep space nebula, with incorporeal stars that shimmered in and out of existence to match, hung flat and soggy in the light morning rain.

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

5 months ago
Replied to SoManyAngels

These are all old chaps that I've been cross posting, so the dates are all wrong

Next Chapter: Mar 31 (ish)

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75

  • The Dragon King (by Z75) original

    The Dragon King (by Z75)


    In the games Pokémon trainers were always a bit too eccentric to be realistic. Marcus always brushed it off as anime logic, but Pokemon change their trainers as much as the trainers change them. So When Marcus, a military veteran, finds himself in the world of Pokemon, the overload of Dragon Type Energy from his team of choice causes him to become somewhat.… Imperial. And in a world where gods can be enslaved in balls available at your local Pokestore, that’s something of a problem. AKA: Applying consistent logic to Pokemon never ends well for anyone involved. AAKA: I've been reading too much Borne of Caution, and had to write a good Villain story.

    12 Chs 34 คอลเลกชัน

  • Rain of Sins original

    Rain of Sins



    What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for Izuku, he forgot the very basic lesson of "Look before you Leap" and was woefully unprepared for just how deep the rabbit hole went. Now, with the butterfly effect in full swing, everyone will learn just how much one question can change everything... "I'm not a Villain! I'm a Geneticist!" This is a story of failure, loss, and sacrifice, when the world spins into chaos as one man struggles to find the invisible line between trying to understand the science behind quirks, and playing God.

    71 Chs 976 คอลเลกชัน

  • Gilded Green original

    Gilded Green


    Atlas island is a place of near-mythic status, a massive artificial land of iron where even the population of metas, who are feared and shunned, can use their powers for vast wealth. You need only to endure the inhumane working conditions, and you too can be rich beyond your dreams. It's here than an old, washed out, Bakugo is called in for a favor from his oldest friend, the Island's founder and undisputed ruler, Izuku Midoriya. To step back in the ring one last time, to go undercover and infiltrate a quirk terror organization.

    6 Chs 7 คอลเลกชัน