Clean translation and great story. The mtl versions is called Azur Lane: I took the graduation post through time and can be found on fanmtl.
Need more
"Huh? What are you going to do with that sti—"
Fantasy · Faux1231
+1 thought this too. Now this just confirms it.
Is there guns? Cause a weapon from advanced civilization should have guns…… also it would be cool to be different than the all the other stories only using cold weapons.
For his convenience, Alex built a tiny house inside the forest. He uses Nightshade to practice all types of weapons. He nearly mastered all weapons in three months. Surprisingly, a new skill, weapon mastery, has been added.
Anime & Comics · stealer
Hope he makes a powersword….
(A/N: I'll show an image of the sword when he gets the real version of it)
Anime & Comics · Cruel_Potato
Shouldnt he have modern knowledge? Cause if he did he should be a pro in magic. Sure he cant do anything big like a nuke because he is at orange core stage. But using normal elements and its devients should be easy as pie.
As for my magical abilities they couldn't be better, thanks to Silvia's training I had a pretty high understanding of the deviants and now if we except Metal or illusions I would say I'm skilled in several places, the problem is my lack of experience and it's something I needed to solve urgently, that's why I quickly left Eden and headed to the Elshire forest where we were last time with Silvia
Anime & Comics · Haruto1028383
Hope he goes more into tech. All these gamer system novels always leave tech out after the first couple chapters and get stale and repetitive with just magic/supernatural abilities. Other than that great story!
Strongest Gamer in the MCU
Movies · KnowingAutumn