In a world where gods rule over realms and mortals live in fear of their wrath, a young girl named Elara possesses a mysterious and perilous ability that makes her a target for divine execution. Hidden away by her mother, Elara has lived her entire life in seclusion, unaware of her true potential.
One fateful day, she encounters a captivating and enigmatic stranger, Lucius, who reveals himself to be a demon from the depths of the underworld. Drawn to Elara, Lucius is not deterred by the gods' relentless pursuit. He conceals his true nature, walking among mortals as an ordinary human, even managing to elude the gods' keen eyes.
As Elara and Lucius fall deeply in love, their connection becomes the ultimate forbidden love story. The gods, sensing an unconventional force at play, intensify their efforts to uncover the truth about Elara's power and the identity of the mysterious man in her life