not the "😭" emoji 😭
[Thank you, Team Leader. I will transfer the money to you as soon as it arrives 😭😭]
Eastern · The Unconcerned
I will surely check it out!
Subpar translation, I read both the mtl and this at the same time, and there's a lot of missing info and conversation that didn't get translated? plus dialogues and expressions, don't match with the original. I'm unclear if this will change in the later chapter but for now this is my opinion. I really Don't like the feeling of missing something, I didn't understand chapter 36 so I tried to read the original, and yeah, not the same at all.
The candlelit corridor outside flickered with shadows both familiar and unfamiliar. With a sigh, Todd steadied himself and set off toward the vineyards.
Book&Literature · Iceswallowcome
Exactly! You answered your own question.
It's all about keeping up appearances
Winning over the Freys would help Samwell secure the loyalty of other Riverlands nobles.
Book&Literature · Iceswallowcome
All of them..
Supposedly out surveying his lands, Lord Paxter Redwyne was in fact seated in his study, listening intently as Todd Flower recounted the developments of the Eagle's Beak outpost. When Todd reached the part about Samwell holding off two thousand wildlings with only a hundred new recruits, Horas, standing nearby, couldn't contain himself and burst out:
Book&Literature · Iceswallowcome
That's Chinese Fanfics for you. What I really liked about them is that, they're not afraid of changing the original plot, and even add their own unique ideas. Not compared to Western fanfic where they would just add a new character then call it a day. Of course, not saying it's bad, but sometimes Fanfictions are Fanfictions for a reason^_^
Book&Literature · Iceswallowcome
No thanks to the translator (Me)??O_oO_o
a chinese translated novel with no nationalistic racism???
The communicator kept repeating the news; it was clear that Aurora City intended to use Ferlica as a negative example, contrasting how much more benevolent and just they were.
Night of Despair
Eastern · Get Lost