I think that he should have just said he didn’t care about peace, he didn’t want peace, fighting forever sounds a lot more fun anyway.
So… what’s up with the Emperor thing exactly ?
I can’t believe we had a Rhea lewd with came out of nowhere before one with Laena.
The whole clone thing is genuinely a bit too much, Kevin is OP enough as it is.
Dude this is Planetos we’re talking about, I’m pretty sure no want to see a mermaid, let alone lewd one, they most assuredly do not look like Ariel.
Truly this cracks me up every time. I give you one proud Yuujiro face for that!
I think you should do a time skip to modern times, I think it would be a tad easier for you to write.
The story is kind of getting everywhere, the opinions of characters change without rhyme or reasons, everything is scattered to the wind, it’s hard to make sense of it all, things are happening but we don’t know why !
Aemon Targaryen
TV · Ghostrider0002