Webnovel Author: Yuri_Zeko - Fanfic Collection



LV 13


2021-12-20 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Australia

ป้าย 7

Moments 267



By gradually transitioning from playing games to more effectual forms of training, Seikun couldn't help smiling when he saw everyone lined up in a row, competing with one another to see who could hold the longest plank. There was a limit to what he could accomplish in ten days, but by planting the idea that training could be fun, not just exhausting, Seikun hoped that at least a few would be motivated to form groups and train regularly from then onward. He could have done without Naruto convincing some of the other boys to attempt a panty raid in the middle of the night, but with two Hyuga in the enemy encampment, they were destined to fail from the very beginning. For a few days after that, several of the boys had nightmares about white-eyed demons with the ability to paralyze and send piercing jolts of pain throughout their bodies with a single touch...

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Though he could easily draft a training regimen on his own, Seikun had the girls provide feedback based on their past experiences and personal preferences. It was important to ensure the training wasn't too difficult, or else people would simply leave, so they worked together to come up with a regimen that was both intensive and enjoyable...

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to free_spirit_reader


"We all need to become stronger..." muttered Seikun, his voice equally as faint but clear as he appended, "But if you're asking for my help, consider it given..."

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



"We all need to become stronger..." muttered Seikun, his voice equally as faint but clear as he appended, "But if you're asking for my help, consider it given..."

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



With my probation period over, I can slack off again and focus more time on my stories... I'm not a very good worker, am I? I wonder why they fired me from my last company :P

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict



With their morning training session ending at 11:40 AM, Seikun ate with Ino and Sakura at a food stall before escorting them to their respective homes. The two were exhausted after doing their best to set an example for Hinata, Hanabi, and Neji to follow, so Seikun left each of them with a kiss on their cheeks before returning to his apartment for a shower and a nap. That afternoon, he would be baptizing at least Hinata and Neji in the ancient ways of leg day, so he wanted to rest and give his body a chance to recover to its peak. Coincidentally, what he dreamed about in that brief period was how incredible Ino's, Sakura's, and Hinata's asses would be as adults. Unfortunately, Neji also made a guest appearance, causing Seikun to awaken in a cold sweat a few minutes before his alarm went off...

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



After witnessing Seikun's performance and the mysterious techniques he used during his match against Sasuke, the heads of various clans started requesting information on his background, parentage, and ancestry on the suspicion he may have been born with a Bloodline Limit. To their immense surprise, there was virtually no intel on any of these things as Seikun had been discovered in the ruins of a maternity ward, pulled from the rubble. Blood tests had been performed to try and connect him to the deceased, but after that turned up nothing, he was given the name Takahashi Seikun by the Director of the orphanage he was entrusted to. In essence, he was a complete anomaly, but one with a well-documented history post-birth and the potential to rival the progeny of Konoha's most noble clans...

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Following a written exam, which primarily covered math, writing, and a bit of village history, Seikun and his classmates gathered in a gymnasium with the Hokage, various clan heads, and the parents of those who would be taking the practical in attendance.

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Though she eventually got up, Ino first blew raspberries to express her dissatisfaction. She wasn't truly angry, but since Seikun rarely gave her ground after she inadvertently turned to face him while he was trying to kiss her cheek, she felt like protesting...

Springtime Shinobi

Springtime Shinobi

Anime & Comics · Einlion



"Mmm...nothing's impossible..." responded Will, crossing his arms and cupping his chin with his right index finger and thumb. The main reason he could scare off monsters was his Innate, Dominate, but if they were willing to learn, he could undoubtedly teach the Silver Cats how to utilize their Aura and Mana better. Fortunately for them, one of the few types of Quests he actively completed were those related to training...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



'Yet another Main Quest...these things are just popping up left and right...' thought Will, frowning. He supposed it made sense, considering Ohta's connection to Sarah, but since the difficulty of a Quest was based on both his capabilities and those of the allies he could readily call upon, SSS implied it was virtually impossible to complete, even with the help of Ohta. However, even if he hadn't promised he would help Ohta unveil the truth behind his abandonment and amnesia, the fact the latter might be a Sage obligated him to place the Quest in his active list, regardless of what might await him in the pursuit of its completion...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



'What now? Why is she acting so chummy? She isn't expecting me to wash her clothes for a smile, right?'

Mage Academy: The Lust System

Mage Academy: The Lust System

Fantasy · light_novel_addict



'I wonder how many loads I can squeeze out of him before I have to go...'

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict


It's a trap-


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fenrir is a good girl...the best girl~! -spoken by Fenrir in Vahn's voice','Survival of the Fittest','Waterbending Practice','Fenrir likes to ride her Master~!')

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



The Dungeon had spawned a total of nine Black Rhinos to impede them and Vahn charged toward the largest grouping of them in his Xuánwǔ form. Instead of outmaneuvering them using [Shundo], Vahn wanted to push himself beyond his previous limits and hone his actual combat abilities. Black Rhinos were humanoid monsters that stood around 220cm tall, so they were ideal opponents to practice martial arts and refine his fighting capabilities further. To make matters even more 'perilous', Vahn was wearing the [Seal of the Challenger] around his neck with one golden link dangling from it.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to Yuna_sama

She doesn't spit she swallows.

Fenrir was very bored waiting around so she started sneakily hunting a large beetle that was on a boulder. Being able to skulk through the tall grass undetected made Fenrir feel excited and she wanted to be able to get all the way up to the big bug without it noticing her. After several minutes, Fenrir was in close proximity to the beetle and jumped quickly, though not nearly as fast as she could move, to catch the beetle with her mouth. Because it had looked super hard, Fenrir had been excited about being able to eat it but now, after finally getting her teeth around it, she realized it was very soft. Since she didn't want to waste food, Fenrir was a good girl and ate every last bite even though she didn't like eating soft and squishy things.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



As Mordred was, unsurprisingly, first to complete her Trial, elevating her to Level 2 and causing her stats to seemingly 'reset,' she and Leon were watching the other Trials on the holographic display, cuddling in silence. He had obviously watched her Trial, but unless she wanted to talk about it, Leon wouldn't pry. Instead, as she listlessly stared off into space, not really paying attention to anything as she lay across his lap, he caressed her head and ran his fingers through her hair.

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Author please explain the crystal tiers


Standing before the 39 people who were preparing to enter The Trial of First Ascension, Leon felt he could cut the tension with a knife. The mood was lightened by people like Ed, Felix, and even Subaru, who managed to earn a promotion to Green, but since they had no idea what to expect, the air was thick with nervousness.

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to Zachattack1cub

booo! !


Since both girls were showing concern for him, Vahn gave up and accepted their offer as he led them toward his own residence. As they hadn't entered it before, Vahn had to register them through the formations or it would trigger and potentially harm the two girls. When they stepped inside the courtyard, Vahn could see that Lili was in high tensions while Naaza seemed to be somewhat nervous.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



'From behind like this, she kind of reminds me of Tatsumaki...' thought Leon, holding Presea's waist and thrusting into her slowly yet forcibly, sending visible ripples through her ass as she supported herself using her elbows and issued suppressed, incredibly sonorous moans in timing with each of his movements.

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Anime & Comics · Einlion
