
LV 3
2021-11-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 6

Moments 6
1 years ago
Replied to Humanities_Peak

well yeah I agree on that man I don't like red head but I don't hate who is totally unrelated to me and just a fiction character I think people hating these characters are just subconsciously acknowledge them as a living being which is little bit stupid and let's us become Otaku and forgot reasoning for fun how many of you can say a person who study about strategy of playing a game just a week before she have a game against a pro of that game is a manipulative person it's just stupid I acknowledge all her fault but I hate her more because she is a devil because I don't like devil of dxd verse in paticular they got no cruel or style of doing work there way of being goody two shoes I mean they leave loose ends old devil faction i mean okey your race is on extinction but you will let root problem of it intact with political power to grow and couse a civil war again I mean you got evil piece then why not make something like reincarnate murdered people died in accident as devils and rather then slave to someone make a school or facility to teach them about devil world and super natural law and working they get new life and u got population up and for not cousing a revolution by reincarnated devils just reincarnate people who don't couse trouble by a background check and what not and there way of jumping on gun i mean if you say word devil you expect a being manipulative, cruel, sadistic and see you nothing more than a plaything , tool, animal to slaughter or at best a potential accet or investment like if ask me personally what I imagine as a devil it is either like Lucifer from TV series or Demiurge from overlord or Diablo from tensura they think and feels like a devil would or could be and yeah it's a free plate form so everyone one can put there opinion here and all

3 years ago

all the chapters are very awesome but why all side story on Pa-treon instead of another novel only for side story or something similar!!??!!

3 years ago
Replied to NovelSlayer

cannot mc both devine and dark classes soldiers because he have both light and dark attributes eg fallen angel or a demon with Necromancer or dark or fallen paladin class and he can even counter or overpower nazarick forces with most army made different skeletion racial armies

3 years ago

wow so I am both 1st and 2nd person to commemorate on this novel but hey Mr/Ms author you still didn't upload any new chapter are you sleeping or something if you read it so please continues it and I wonder if this story something like assassination squad or any information gathering unit and knight elf or warrior elf if you want you can take as next chapter plot hehehe Oh right and please continues this novel after all it takes time for without Fanserves or R18 part novel to get attention but I still love❤ a clean kingdom building novel like this one fast power growth but still have lots of potential for future hahahah 😤 hope you have a great day Mr/Ms author

3 years ago

well You are aurthor so that fair enough what you want to write and yeah I full heartly enjoy this story exepet The moment MC go in different dimensions during sleep again and again because even great sage a unique skill given by god to him cannot tell about it just that are The partp which I feel not good in whole story. so now You are going to rewrite it I look forward to new novel and if You can please make MC this time a little troll type like when rimaru scold or want him to do so he doesn't want then he make something like baby dog eyes when he is young and not reveal himself or speak like a papa boy to justify his actions or not get punished if it is going to be some what same start as rimaru adopted son well even if You change MC race or origan background he is rimaru son that make it more interesting anyway good luck for rewriting novel

3 years ago

hay men why not continuing tell now came on man don't abandon a interesting ,beautiful and entertaining piece of art