
LV 14
2021-11-07 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
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29 days ago

Did the author changed or did he go through puberty? That's the level of mentality change that will cause this level of sudden story change with a BS reason in one chapter. What I mean is, either this is just lazy writing or unnecessary fan service

1 years ago

Review after reading over 900 chapters, First of all, i have to say this is an outstanding novel. Writing quality and world-building is perfect. Also, we can see the progress of the MC throughout the story, and the pacing is also very good. However, there are some things that are annoying about the story and MC, First, although MC act intelligent most of the time, He acts too cautious all the time, which bites himself in the back a couple of times and he also understands it, One can say this is for character building but when he acts with low IQ again and again in similar situations. it comes out as a forced plot. Second, in some of the later chapters when he is not acting overly cautious, mc acts like a genocidal maniac with completely illogical reasons. So the MC is not really consistent. Although, sometimes it feels consistent due to the large number of chapters you forget things. Third, after the first couple hundred chapters romance and emotional drama become a big part of the story to the point of being annoying. And one more thing, Even though the name is 'Hitman with a badass system'. According to what I have read, u can add any profession to replace the word hitman and the story will be pretty much the same. Anyway, the system is badass. I think you got my point Finally, in conclusion, this is one few good novels on this site. Worth reading.

1 years ago

Regarding this novel, here are the key things u need to know before going in - * First the pacing of the story develops is decent. * MC is decent and NOT stupid * It has a wish fulfilment vibe in the whole story(7 sisters, Money, Beautiful secretary, Powerful boduguards). * Up until about chapter 400 everything is fine, after that story goes downhill. * After about chapter 400, there will be a lot of filler content. * Author will forget about the system.

1 years ago

This is very good novel at the beginning... However after like chapter 300 (i don't remember the exact chapter) the story changes completely. It is NOT a plot twist. Either author changed or he went crazy. Up until then, this is a decent story.

1 years ago

Started out great but after 1st 20 chapters story goes downhill. There is a very similar novel called 'I Am the God of Games' and this is an unsuccessful duplicate of the same concept.

1 years ago

This is a very good novel. Well.... at least first 500 chapters are good after that as usual Chinese authors start to go crazy and start to add supernatural elements and change the whole vibe of the story. Until then this is the ideal story. Highly recommend it.

1 years ago

Nice concept and a well-thought-out story. I also read a few similar novels raw and in mtl, But those stories were vastly different from this story only the concept is the same. So according to my observation, this is NOT a plagiarized novel. I highly recommend giving this a try.

1 years ago
Replied to ZephyrAudiobook

I understand that everyone has their personal preference. So for a specific audience, this could be an enjoyable novel. However, when you are rating a novel in this site you have to rate it under some criteria such as Writing Quality, Stability of Updates, Story Development, Character Design, World Background. For a novel to gain a perfect 5* it has to be 5* in all of those categories. So if rate it just because of enjoyment factor, it is not fair for those who come to read the review.

1 years ago

I will give my review short and simple. This novel is a good concept executed perfectly. Even Story-wise very interesting because even though this is fanfic, feels like an entirely new story. This is placed in pre canon timeline where Robin is the MCs daughter. I also had doubts when I first started reading, but now I can say that they were unwarranted. Overall super nice story. Definitely worth reading.

1 years ago

Here is the thing, If you want to turn off your brain and read a novel which doesn't have any emotional drama in your leisure, this is it. MC is ridiculously OP ( i mean destroy omniverse with a thought level OP). But he has turned off his omniscience(basically the ability to know everything) to avoid getting bored. He kills anyone who pisses him off. He doesn't hide his power on purpose. Basically, the MC doing things to avoid getting bored. The story is interesting for this type of novel. Place in a world(Universe? Multiverse? Omniverse? i don't know!!!) where anything can happen, it is very consistent. (Except for the part where MC having 500IQ in the first few chapters). Anyway, it's worth reading. The story is on point for the targeted readers.