Abyssal_Ram123 - Profile


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2021-11-03 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 5

Moments 370


Dumbles has been doing that to Harry all his life lol

He paused, his gaze finally meeting Dumbledore's, his green eyes filled with a mix of confusion and accusation. "Vincent… he planned this, Headmaster. He knew about the portkey, about the graveyard, about Voldemort. He used me, Professor. He used me to get to Voldemort."

From Hitman to Hogwarts

From Hitman to Hogwarts

Movies · MbthehunterN7


Like a human heart?

- "Interesting..." - I looked at the different cores that would be used for the wand, there were many kinds, not only the classic Unicorn hair, Dragon heart, and Phoenix feather - "That's... Squib heart, aren't squibs beings without magic?"

Being reborn in Harry Potter

Being reborn in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Azeneth2523


Andromeda’s not a lawyer her husband is, I believe she is some sort of healer (?) it could just be fanon tho

"That's what I want to check because otherwise, the Gaunts should have taken that title before Tom Riddle, so surely there must be some clauses or traps or something. Okay, next" - I said and Kreacher had already noted - "The Black Sisters, I need to get the trio back and put them back in my family: Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda. One is a skilled lawyer, one is a skilled social executive, and the last one, although crazy, is very powerful, and all three will be my cutting-edge weapons against the entire magical world."

Being reborn in Harry Potter

Being reborn in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Azeneth2523


So his mp bar is the same he’s just got super magic regen

The only problem now was the growth of my magic reserves. For example, if it were a video game, my MP would be 100, and a fireball magic spell would cost 100 MP. I could use it infinitely, but I couldn't use the great fireball magic spell as it would use 200 MP. Even if my magic was infinite, I couldn't use spells that exceeded my magic limit.

Being reborn in Harry Potter

Being reborn in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Azeneth2523


What if someone made like a god tier fire extinguisher liquid and just sprayed him with it to the point that he couldn’t use the fire regen thing phenex’s do

"It seems you do not understand your place, you are a mere servant, barely a devil. Someone like you doesn't have the right to talk to me like this, in fact, since you are in Rias' peerage you will refer to me as master soon enough. Let me show the distance between you and me." Rias did not even try to come to Takumi's defence, her full confidence lay in his abilities.

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck


Black panther kinda???

There were quite a few. After Whitebeard and the Gura Gura no Mi, there was Chinjao with his martial arts Hasshoken. Quake and Avalanche from Marvel Comics, Puri Puri Prisoner from One Punch Man realises he can store and release energy with his ability, Vibration Angel: Descend. Then we have all the speedsters from the DC Comics. I found out that I didn't know about the DC universe which tells me that I am inside that world. Good to know, but I am much more interested in the source of power behind the speedsters in this universe. The Speed Force ... one of the 7 forces of the universe ... and there is another one that I feel a very deep connection to ... no actually there are two but more on that later.

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH

Replied to Abyssal_Ram123

Oh antimagic I forgot

"No," I replied with a smile, completely blocking his ability with that stupid Perk I refused to name.

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken


What perk?

"No," I replied with a smile, completely blocking his ability with that stupid Perk I refused to name.

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken



'Fear me! For I have become Goku, Destroyer of Worlds!'

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken



And sure, there were a few limitations, like the fact that I needed to leave a sort of marker in any location I wanted to teleport to. It was also only limited to a single function at the moment. However, it was Magic and that's all I cared about.

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken


The power is relative, like the strength of the Pokémon ditto

'Is this always what Black Panther does whenever he goes on a fight with someone? I'm surprised Bucky is still alive after being chased by him throughout the entire winter soldier movie.' Leo said to himself and stared at his bloodied fist.

Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Movies · SlimeSage


I’d like to actually see him use this

[Phantom Veil (250/1000)]: An upgraded version of the skill [Concealment], this ability grants the host an almost supernatural level of stealth. When used correctly, you can become virtually invisible, moving through shadows and light with equal ease, completely eluding detection from even the most perceptive individuals. Your presence becomes a whisper in the wind, and your movements are undetectable, enabling you to outmaneuver the deadliest foes. This skill transforms you into an elusive specter, unmatched in the art of stealth and subterfuge, capable of vanishing without a trace and striking with ghostly precision.

Baki: Martial System

Baki: Martial System

Anime & Comics · The_HonorableGhost


So he’s seeing the world like watching anime seeing the killing intent and stuff

[Willful Eye]: A natural talent, you can see the projection of emotion, willpower, martial drive, passion, and in extreme cases imagination in the form of illusions. You can also see through the projections at your discretion.

Baki: Martial System

Baki: Martial System

Anime & Comics · The_HonorableGhost



A/N: The start of the alchemic empire is nigh. And Ddraig is right, Takumi is slowly dipping his toes into the territory of the likes of GOB(God of the Bible) creating life(not cloning like the Selzen's) is a very difficult thing to accomplish. That along with his ability to manipulate the world around him with Transmutation makes him seem a bit godly, doesn't it?

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck


I though It was a kekei genkai thing?

The first group attempted to control condensed chakra, transforming it into something like a shield, while the second group tried to create the famous chains of Kushina. After all, if she didn't use them, she won't be able to teach them. I had to figure it out on my own, guided only by the knowledge that it's possible, since the process itself wasn't described in the manga.

Red Nara

Red Nara

Anime & Comics · l_legolas
