First off, Peter hale is the uncle of Laura hale whine he killed to become an alpha werewolf.
Nurse's point of view: I've been watching everything in this town from Maria Hill's arrival to her death at the hands of her nephew Peter Hill and Derek Hale's arrival to investigate his aunt's disappearance to Argent's arrival here to investigate the werewolves to the Alpha's attack on them and two young men and to the arrival of a vampire named David who covers up the Alpha's tracks so as not to arouse suspicion I go into the room of the two boys who were bitten by the Alpha and see if they died or turned into evolved werewolves I have to watch every change for my master then I find the vampire that named David, i played the role of a nurse and he tries to compiled me to get out of the room and I go out and listen to him warning the boy. Strange why is he doing this?? why is he covering up the Alpha's tracks and trying to hide this boy?? what is his connection to him?? Something else I have to figure out. And Malrau's pack is coming to Beacon Hills as we expected I have to call my master and tell him to send a support of vampires and humans maybe we need a witch or two too.
TV · Fekri_Altobwi
The story feels way too compact and the transitions from past and present, and even some of the dialogue the characters have is very incoherent and confusing. The way people talk needs a little work as well, besides that stuff the story is interesting so far.
Related to Hayley huh, I wonder what would happen should an alpha werewolf bite a cursed wolf who hasn’t triggered his curse yet🤔
Yes actually i am 1.70 meter and i have a very strong body and a very muscler arms. All that because I was training my body sense i was 8 years old and i have unnatural stamina and speed and anger a very very anger actually its more like rage than anger i don't know whay i am so different from Jeremy and elena but i think that's a good thing oh and I have a crescent-shaped birthmark on my right shoulder.
TV · Fekri_Altobwi
Who’s Taylor? You mean Tyler?
My father laughs and says " an accident?? you took a gun from my closet and try to shoot them !!!! how that was an accident ?? answer me alex how suppose to take a gun and rush to Taylor House and try to shut him after you beat him so much that he ran crying to his parents and then you break his legs infront of Taylor House door and then ran to our house and take the gun you so luky that we took it from you before you hit Taylor.
TV · Fekri_Altobwi
I just dropped this right around the 20-30 chapter mark when Harry is fucking talking about how he is blushing and getting butterflies in the stomach from cidric or whatever his name is
Malfoy flinched, then glared. "Just because I hate you, Potter, doesn't mean I want to see you get murdered." That made Harry grin, though he couldn't explain why. "I was just out for a walk. Feeling restless."
Book&Literature · SmallReading
Definitely damn yaoi… I’m out
Cedric grinned, and Harry could see why all the girls got so flustered over him. Something in his gut flip-flopped. "Later, Harry."
Book&Literature · SmallReading
Please don’t make this a damn yaoi story.. For all thats holy just don’t…
Unbidden, Harry's mind flashed to blond hair and silver eyes. Heat rose in his cheeks. He understood that kind of complicated. "I'm sorry, Harry, but perhaps we can pick this conversation up another time? I'm afraid it's taken rather a lot out of me." Lupin set down the goblet, and Harry stood. The professor placed a tentative hand on Harry's shoulder. "I am always happy to talk to you about your parents. I'm sorry I didn't sooner, but I thought someone already had. I… well, I assumed you'd chosen to have nothing to do with me." He gave a small, self-deprecating shrug. "Since that's not the case… you used to call me Uncle Remus once, Harry. I'm not asking you to do so again, but… perhaps we could be friends?"
Book&Literature · SmallReading
I swear to god I hope not, if it is the author should have put that in the description so people who don’t like reading that crap don’t waste their time on the story
Malfoy flinched, then glared. "Just because I hate you, Potter, doesn't mean I want to see you get murdered." That made Harry grin, though he couldn't explain why. "I was just out for a walk. Feeling restless."
Book&Literature · SmallReading
Original wolves? Tf are those? As for mistakes you have to heavily work on grammer and spacing of sentences because some words make no sense in certian situations and all of your sentences are so compact it makes reading them a chore to figure out what’s happening, and we need a more distinct way of writing people talking because the way it is now feels like all of the people are talking at once and it’s so confusing. But all in all this is interesting, I could use an explanation on the werewolves tho because so far it’s confusing, there is normal werewolves who come from the line of lycon or whatever from Greek mythology and that is the teen wolf ones, and the vampire diaries werewolves are called cursed wolves because they were made using a spell a witch cast. So cursed wolves and werewolves and kinda different and I wanna know what the mc will be since he’s both, he’s a crescent cursed wolf and a werewolf now. So we need an explanation on that.
Hello author here, another extra chapter of my own, the story of season 1 of TW will start after 3 or 5 chapters in this chapter we knew a new character named David what's wrong with him?? and what's the matter with him and Alex real parents?? and what will happened to Beacon hills next?? because a whole pack of Originals wolfes coming and army of vampires and humans and some witches coming too and it will turn into a war zone how David knows about that?+ Peter and Argent drama will happened and many people will die innocent or not. Read and follow to find out and there's no more chapters until This Tuesday, goodbye and please, write comments so I can know my mistakes, and give me your ideas about the story.
The Another Gilbert
TV · Fekri_Altobwi