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male LV 4
2021-11-03 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 8

Moments 2626


Fair let certain she could make at minimum 50-60 clones with her normal chakra amount and even more when the yin seal is undone

Making twenty shadow clones truly shocked both Jiraiya and Tsunade, the latter admitting kazuki possessed chakra far more than she did, a senju and the granddaughter of first hokage.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444

Replied to A_Real_Werewolf234


Another very useful power was what the Absorption Line Sacred Gear would have been. With that, he could drain the magic, blood, and life force of a foe and take it for himself or transfer that power to someone else. 

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Book&Literature · A_Real_Werewolf234


Does that mean he can steal all of the titans divinities and devour them for himself when they start their war?🤔

Another very useful power was what the Absorption Line Sacred Gear would have been. With that, he could drain the magic, blood, and life force of a foe and take it for himself or transfer that power to someone else. 

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Book&Literature · A_Real_Werewolf234


One word

Naruto: Uchiha Izuna with system

Naruto: Uchiha Izuna with system

Anime & Comics · Ye_qingtian


They won’t last long enough to accomplish either of those tasks, maybe they will stay for 3-4 hrs if he’s lucky but besides that they wouldn’t do much.

"You must find a job to earn money, as well as gather important information. Maybe become a member of the Mercenary Union? I heard they usually make a lot of money, although they have to face many dangers."

In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

Anime & Comics · Alex_Fabianoki



'Then for the supplementary… Stymphalian Bird Feather, Telkhine Blood, and a Sphinx Claw. It looks like he really did send everything I needed… Talk about having a powerful backer. I wonder when I'll be as strong as Lucian. Heh, I can't wait to see his expression when he realizes I'll be much stronger than him,' Luke happily thought to himself as he began making the potion in the cauldron.

Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3

Replied to GonadSmasher08

I think that his bug devouring the cells only went for the specific trait of the wood release and didn’t get the rest so now he needs to implant the cells to have the rest.

Ever since Mei had seen his true form, she insisted that he remain in that form around her. Shishou knew it was a peculiar preference of hers but didn't mind. After all, maintaining his larger form drained his Mangekyō Sharingan's power, and he preferred to conserve his strength until he could successfully implant Hashirama's cells.

Naruto: Swarm System

Naruto: Swarm System

Anime & Comics · Betek

Replied to Nogitsune96

Hence why I asked lol

There is also another thing I got from the goblins. The Peverell Family put some Blood Stones in Gringotts. After I got one and it tested me and accepted me as a living heir I got Grimoires from the hidden Peverell Cottage. As it turns out. I am also the last heir to the Peverell's. Not that that means anything, Just a fancy title. 

HP/DxD: Raven

HP/DxD: Raven

Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda


Wonder what would happen if Clark took some compound v🤔 Maybe turns into a more human version of doomsday☠️

'shit that was close.' I thought to myself as Homelander left the room, there was also something creepy about the way he said that this conversation was very informative… I have got to get my hands on compound V as soon as possible. I have to watch myself, I don't yet have full control over my powers, and if a fight broke out, the collateral damage alone would hunt me, I have to bide my time.

Reincarnated as Superman in the world of the Boys

Reincarnated as Superman in the world of the Boys

Anime & Comics · bookwormjohnny2

Replied to kiwami803

Ehhhh, not really. It was normal chakra but way stronger because of his lineage, it wasn’t divine In any way so that’s too much of a stretch.

The amount of chakra in his body is enormous, already comparable to that of a jounin, and he possesses a vast reserve of divine chakra. Though he hasn't yet encountered Kakashi, Sasuke is confident his chakra exceeds both of Kakashi's combined.

NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

Anime & Comics · azathoth69
