Just explaining why you don't get the benefit of the doubt.
Just to be clear any 'patreon' author is fishy. This due to 99% outright stealing fics all over the internet and basicly scamming the readers. And the other 1% uses ai.
Well this is clearly stolen. It is one of my favorites written by "The Goal of All Life" also called Reborn in Flames. Well I don't mind if you actually add content to it. Pity to leave it unfinished.
Don't call it an Isekai! and then give him no personality or memories from previous life. Zero effort put into it.
No need to steal this. It is already published here on webnovel by the real author.
You barely strung together 2 sentences. Translated at that! Your patreon spiel is almost longer. People have no shame anymore. I'm not interested.
I'm sorry to say that after 30 chapters my patience reading about a chubby child is reached zero. Too boring. he should have been a young adult after 2 or 3 chapters max. Old enough to fight, Old enough to drink a beer. Old enough to have sex.
The last two chapters are a little bit better although to short to call them genuine chapters. Also the chapter titles pretty much give away the entire plot in them. Spoiler anyone? How I long for the old days. When there were no patreon authors. They mostly ruined fan-fiction. It is a scam/earning model now. Either they rip of others people work for a quick buck or blackmail people for stones or money.
Isekai whiteout previous memories? So what's the point of that? Lazy if you ask me. Be more creative and give your mc some background.
I'm sorry to say while your writing is a passable read it was entirely to boring for me.
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