hello author I'm waiting for ur update this story is amazing and i love it very much.
please update soon author please I need this update so so bad
thank you for the update authour I was going crazy waiting for it be now I'm sane and I can't wait for the next up5
hello author this is the first time i read this story and it is very good the advice i can give for the chapter is to let the MC start off smooth with the building of hia career then give him times where he is in a pickle and send along stronge helper to with he could sleep with are give a bl*wj*b to as thanks for the help then when u reach somewhere in the twenties u can create a party where he will be apart of that is all males and lot him sleep or blow each one of them to gain more SP and EXP at the same time
Thank you for updating author
How about an ally in the form of a child the erha will take a like to and want to rise him as his child but the child likes to be around li xiang we can use the child to bring them both close together
author please update more the chapter was awesome and i can't wait to see san Di face
welcome back author you have been gone too long
Thank you for the update please do more[img=update][img=recommend][img=strong]
Apocalypse Ascendant
LGBT+ · Zeal_Faust