- Seeing people's reactions
Video Games · Najicablitz626
I don't know why, but this comes to my mind.
I could swear one of them buzzed, "Oh, mama…"
Anime & Comics · XAN3ON
"The plan. Trust the plan, and everything will turn out fine."
Others · just_a_potato_soul
11. Invincible (Blood Splatter Sound Effect)
Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
"Once again, we welcome you as one of us, Lord Willam," Lord Elmo stated. "You might not come from here, but in due time, you will learn our ways."
TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
Vijay's adrenaline was raised to its maximum level, his body reflexes pushed to their limit, and his danger sense constantly warned him about his impending death against the skilled swordsmanship of Muhammad.
History · Mithun_ReddyGaru
Yes! Finally a sane Dragon Ball fic that doesn't have Bulma or Chichi as a love interest.
{For Ship I am Taking Videl no bulma becoz He treat her like her Mother}
Anime & Comics · Ar_Lagends
How about a nen-user OC or SI from HxH get whisk away to DC universe or Marvel universe and decides to make a dojo teaching nen?
4) Anything you might want to add??
Anime & Comics · PyteWriter
Krillin got to a billion in power level in TOP.
He wasn't lying. After all, a pure human like Krillin reached a power level of 600,000. Even Yamcha had surpassed a thousand units of power.
Dragon Ball: I Am Broly
Others · theusual