

female LV 2

Hi! I am French and I try to write nice books. I just want to share them :)

2021-09-29 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Poland
ป้าย 7

Moments 31
3 days ago
Replied to aoi_hoshi_cath88

Thank you for your comment. He is totally of the path of something like that hehe

"I can take for myself the vital energy of the creatures around me. I can control it now and it cures me. I am sorry brother... I know that I am a m..." 

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

3 days ago
Replied to aoi_hoshi_cath88

Thank you very much for your comment. I am going to add specific description immediately!

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

8 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

😂 I am glad you like it!

To these words, Sarin's eyes opened wide in shock, making Jäwell realize what he just had said, the former prince placed his hands in front of him and shook them frantically. 

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

8 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

Happy you like it! 😘

And suddenly, the light took its place. An arrow pierced the skull of the little bird which fell to the floor like a stone, someone screamed with anger in the street outside.

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

8 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

Thank you so much! I corrected it!

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

8 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

You killed me 😂😂😂

Among the other men present there was Rufon, sleeping on a corner peacefully. The man was built to travel, nothing could disturb his peace, and next to him was a tense little man named Gabron. Gabron was incredibly smart, his knowledge about the territories was unmatched and he seemed to know everything about anyone in a record time. If he was so tense, it was because he was one of the rares who already survived a war. Gabron had been a military messenger for the capital in his time, he left the land to buy a post office in Cardanic before the army of the empire came to ruin his peace. 

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

8 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

Thanks for your precious help! It is ten, indeed!

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

8 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

Awwww I am so happy you love them :)

The old man looked at the fishing rod on the wall and exclaimed while pushing his wife with his elbow, "See Agatka! I told you I saw the young guy fishing! I was right!"

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

9 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

Thank you for your comment! In the Chapter 9, the boy holds Zarkhaïm's leg before Zarkhaïm sends him to the pleasure house. Then he retrieves him after the massacre on the stairs of the pleasure house and names him Atrotus. It is the same boy.

The image of the child I sent to wait for me in the pleasure house of the nearby village came to my mind and gave me the impulse to stand up. I was suffering more than I would ever imagine, yet, I didn't want to abandon this child to his fate. He admired me, he loved me, and he believed in me. 

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

9 months ago
Replied to Lyra_Lys

Corrected! Thanks for spotting it!

The Prince of the Ombrae

The Prince of the Ombrae

Fantasy · Dragoslawa

  • The Prince of the Ombrae original

    The Prince of the Ombrae


    In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

    139 Chs 66 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Founders of the Shadows World original

    The Founders of the Shadows World


    It exists, in the universe, a world of darkness. Far from the light, far from everything that may be alive. A world made as a warm and comfortable cocoon for those who have nowhere to go. The Ombrae. The world of the eternal night. While Kingdoms rise and fall, heroes and monsters fight and make peace, the Ombrae will always open its doors to those seeking shelter. Sometimes in the nightmares of the living can be heard the moaning of the refugees. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darknesses we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

    69 Chs 59 คอลเลกชัน

  • Les Fondateurs du Monde des Ombres original

    Les Fondateurs du Monde des Ombres


    Il existe, dans l'univers, un monde de ténèbres. Loin de la lumière, loin de tout ce qui peut être vivant. Un monde conçu comme un cocon chaud et confortable pour ceux qui n'ont nulle part où aller. L'Ombrae. Le monde de la nuit éternelle. Alors que les royaumes s'élèvent et s'effondrent, que les héros et les monstres se battent et font la paix, l'Ombrae ouvrira toujours ses portes à ceux qui cherchent un abri. Parfois, dans les cauchemars des vivants, on peut entendre les gémissements des réfugiés. Pour ceux qui sont tombés en disgrâce, ceux qui veulent être oubliés. Il fait si froid en Ombrae. Où sont nos frères et nos sœurs, où sont nos enfants ? Il fait si doux en Ombrae. En écoutant l'appel de notre Roi, puis de son fils, le Prince, nous nous levons dans les ténèbres. Il fait si chaud en Ombrae.

    76 Chs 22 คอลเลกชัน

  • La nuit des anges original

    La nuit des anges



    "Je suis Zarkhaïm, je suis le maître des ombres. Je suis celui dont on a peur lorsqu'on évoque ses cauchemars, Je suis le maître et le créateur incontesté de toutes les créatures terrifiantes des sept mondes. Je suis le maudit... le détesté... Et si ces mots peuvent venir jusqu'à toi, mon amour, ils retracent notre première rencontre. Ils retracent mon histoire jusqu'à toi. Ils sont le témoignage de l'importance que tu as pour moi. " L'histoire se déroule chronologiquement avant l'histoire du livre "A night for two". Alors que Zarkhaïm régnait sur les terres condamnées du Nord, ceci est le récit des origines de la création de son royaume dans le premier monde. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle courte, et si elle apporte un complément à l'histoire principale, elle peut être lue individuellement. Je l'ai rédigée surtout pour m'amuser et j'espère sincèrement qu'elle vous plaira. Bonne lecture! (**Contient de la violence et des propos matures**) ------------- J'ai finalement décidé (après de nombreuses solicitations) de poster la version française du livre Les Fondateurs du Monde des Ombres. La nuit des anges est un texte fait pour m'amuser pendant que je travaillais sur le livre principal. Il fait partie d'évènements qui apparaissent dans le volume 2. J'espère que vous aurez du fun à le lire !

    12 Chs 15 คอลเลกชัน