Doom, it pierces thrue everything like incomming doom and once hit youre doomed
steak or stake? cause one is food the other a wood pice
Weakness: silver and/or steak to the heart.
Urban · JordanHarper
getting some super mario odysse vibes over here
The Centipedes on the other hand started climbing the walls on either side of the breach that the Golems had made. As soon as they reach the top they started shooting yellow beams of lightning at the Cultists and puppets on the walls. Thankfully they were inside the enemy's barrier now so they could easily attack them, however, this also meant that they could be attacked as well.
Anime & Comics · Dark_light
hold up... you only level this by stealing more ...
[Pickpocket: Lv2]
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
i would do it cause i would find it interesting if the frog would even get uncursed from something so stupid
Fantasy · Zerin_Lee
hmmmmm yes, indeed. togather. i see you have a master in sociodemophobie. though that doesnt matter, its either spelled to gather or together.
Fantasy · PKS_Kiiro
y the russian?
"See you in 6.9 days then." and fell asleep.
Fantasy · Dreyerboys
i was thinking the exact same thing as it said otherworldly, since she technocly is
Fantasy · Dreyerboys
0.01 is 1 in 10000 since 1% is 1 in 100 and 0.1 then 1 in 1000
"Since his skill allows him to steal 0.01 percent of the target's overall status, does that mean the minimum requirement would be a thousand, your grace"
Nothing (0)
Fantasy · Melanie_Cruz_32