Honestly, it sounds good but I could not make it possible, mostly because I will burn off before even reaching the "Magneto Attacks White House" event, so.. I will have to gently, decline. Sorry, mate.
So... more like, create an MC who will be in almost every major event to throw some real punches to the assholes that needs it? Yeah, that was my first idea, but I think it's better that it's just Spider-Man, that's just him trying to make a better world and make better people by befriending them, or that's my idea idk.
One word: Peak
He finally understood, why the man never let him see his face.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
I suppose his name, idk, in the series isn't mentioned much about him, but in the comics he died horribly, to be honest.
Train-A, joined the team recently, about four years ago. Before that he was Mr Marathon, also a speedster, only in red. He was now retired, a well-deserved retirement. Still, Bartholomew was a really decent member of the team, unlike his current replacement. At least he didn't run through people. Though he was not without his faults.
Movies · SpaceMate
Yeah, this almost like the 1610 Earth, my idea in the beginning was to begin with the Peter in the party in Issue 1 but then I decided to make a twist with this. So this is probably one of the few things I'm changing, the rest is most up to the intervention of the MC on other events.
That was enough for the redhead to understand the situation and to finally let go of the soup.
Anime & Comics · Bosterobasurero
The situation it's more improvised than you would think, when I wrote that I thought of the MC doing something unplanned and also, irresponsable with his secret identity, and also it is for a plotline purpose.
The criminal tries to fire the sound again, but a spider web covers the gun, causing it to spark and in a few seconds it explodes in his hand, severely wounding it.
Anime & Comics · Bosterobasurero
No problem, and just make more questions as you want to, If it is in my memory or notes then I'll answer it.
That was enough for the redhead to understand the situation and to finally let go of the soup.
Anime & Comics · Bosterobasurero
It's a phrase used in spanish language to mean to let go the information of something.
That was enough for the redhead to understand the situation and to finally let go of the soup.
Anime & Comics · Bosterobasurero
Sasuke's eyes widened: "You, do you know what you're saying?"
Anime & Comics · Ginormous_Madman
John, with his ever-warm smile, gazed down at Noir's naked face.
The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou