It does say that. I was thinking this as soon as he said that he was going to Eden.
This is the exact same thing that happened to me. When I was 15 or 16 I was reading Infinte Cosmos, and I got a few hundred chapter in and realized that harems suck for actually telling a coherent story. I haven’t been able to read past the synopsis of a harem story ever since.
Harem - I'll admit, up to about when I was 16, I read harem stories, I even enjoyed them. After the age of 16 though, I found myself slowly falling out of love with the trope until I completely became disgusted by it. These days, I see the harem tag and I won't even give the story a chance.
Book&Literature · IWillFixHer
First off, thank you for your service. I just wanted to butt in here, after the fact, and say while a lot of what you are saying is true it doesn’t really defend the standpoint in the way you want. While humans fantasize about many things, it doesn’t make it realistic in terms of making three dimensional characters in a story sense. Just as some men fantasize about having many partners, women would too. Any person, in a relationship or not, will be striving for some semblance of fairness. The way that authors often create harems make women out to be one dimensional creatures that are immediately satisfied to be your property and love you singularly and unconscionably if your strong and handsome enough. While it is a great fantasy for some, it breaks the illusion for me personally. In cases where they are in an open relationship or they are like a throuple who are all in a relationship with eachother these multiple women or men relationships could work and still have three dimensional characters but the way they like to do it on this platform doesn’t really have an allure unless your horny and looking for some turn your brain off content.
In Diddy’s house
Putting his phone in his robe pocket, Phil left the kitchen and towards the stairs, "I got it. Where's the baby oil?"
TV · N_R_U
12) Image 12
Book&Literature · Joanjudo
Or you could just connect the power levels of your main couple. Also also in this situation the power gap would be massive for it to make a difference in the first place.
Benimaru in Avatar: A low noble boy ingrained with the beliefs of the Fire Nation, his sole objective to conquer the world in his lifetime. (4 chapters)
Book&Literature · Joanjudo
Not gonna lie, if some kids a couple grades younger than me called me a racial slur for teasing them, I might do something crazy too.
1. To see the MC have an additional partner later in the novel? (Y/N/Comment)
Movies · DumbedDown
Especially, with the fact that the Mikaelsons reall aren’t trying to kill them anymore. As long as Elena gets her blood drawn every once in a while I imagine they’ll mostly leave them alone. It isn’t even that deep, my mom used to donate blood every few months.
Before Elena could respond, one of the other Guardians, Mylea, stepped forward, her voice calm but commanding. "We don't have much time. The Originals won't wait, and neither should we."
The Doppelgänger Mikaelson
TV · Chaosgod24