Speaking of the hall, during his mother's and Parnakka's interaction, Artaxerxes had been getting a better look at his surrounding now that he was out of his crib. And to say the least, he was very impressed. What he saw must have been a gargantuan effort of human craftsmanship, Where my crib lay, oddly out of place, was an immense square hall with 36 columns supporting an enormous roof of cedar wood. Just above him, the intricately carved pillars seemed to stretch outward into an abyss, reaching staggering 20 meters in height. There were three porticoes each with twelve columns on the north, west, and east side. Four four-story corner towers, and a series of storage and guardrooms to the south. To the north and east beyond the rows of columns was an open courtyard teeming with fauna and wildlife. There seemed to be enough room to hold 10,000 people.
History · Blitzo
I hope you will continue to tell me where I have grammatical and pronoun errors or any errors to improve my writing.
When I turned 20 I decided to join the army since I had the status of a patrician, and thanks to production and the agrarian reform the population increased, this fact made the king who was in power able to lead troops and wage wars calmly.
History · Orlando_Camacho_1482
ok, I already fix it
Luodico was thinking that after waking up like him he would call his son to organize and get the news from outside.
History · Orlando_Camacho_1482
remember in history that ancus marcius was a king known for being pacifist and kind, so I write as if the senators and nobles were bad.
Although the patriarchs and senators did not like the way I did it and thanks to this decision the alphabet and words were created faster and they only wanted it so that the commoners and the serfs could not learn it, but thanks to the current king that he remained calm.
History · Orlando_Camacho_1482
luodico dustin does not recognize as king since he is barely 5 years old, he was also sealing the Latin alphabet to be able to get food.
After twisting and turning to be able to survive and not be sold into slavery, I learned Latin, and although the illiterate Latin was barely being born, I already knew how to recognize some letters, so when I learned the language I worked teaching the common people the alphabet and the vocabulary to exchange for food and other rare items.
History · Orlando_Camacho_1482
No, the truth is I don't know novels of this style, but if there are family ancestral systems and not dynastic or that build kingdoms
Yes, since the names are not very common, and many people do not use them, for the next chapters I will only use the title that is (god of the earth and so on) although it is not used much, but this way it becomes more pleasant and understandable , Thank you
and the kingdom is tututepec so they use it as a reference
Who? I don't understand you.
mexican empire
History · Orlando_Camacho_1482