

male LV 13


2021-06-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Italy
ป้าย 6

Moments 69
34 minutes ago
Replied to Darknorth_07

I don’t think it’s the right image for the description 🧐

As it turned out there was in fact a room meant for exactly that that was plain minus a few chairs and a table. Nick and Lucas sat on one side of the table while Vlad , Jesseph and Mina were on the opposite side. It was actually funny how Vlad found his daughter and captured her the moment she peeked her head out of the rafters. Mina Tepes could be considered fairly attractive as she had long blonde hair and nearly perfect proportions in both her face and body.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

2 days ago

Pubblicate it under another name

While he was curious about the contents of this book that would have been his reward he was more than happy avoiding it and the trouble of completing that objective since the best prize was already his. Three item tickets manifested in the realm but he ignored them to focus on the other item that had appeared instead , a daedra heart. The hearts of daedra weren't strictly for moving blood through their bodies but rather were directly tied to their immortal essence. This was why daedric equipment was considered alive to a degree as it was in fact alive thanks to the essence of the daedra trapped within it.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

3 days ago
Replied to Ruben_Mir_Maresi

I think

Thanks to this each ministry in the world had a long distance floo that connected to the other ministries alone. Nick found floo travel slightly more bearable than apparition as instead of feeling like you were getting sucked through a straw by your belly button it felt more like falling down a really deep hole. The flames were mostly just for opening the way while the actual travel was fairly peaceful if rather dirty. No matter how clean you were when stepping into the floo you will always come out the other side with soot and ash on you.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

3 days ago

Magic crated by Ade and for that same reason you will fall to the underworld and come back in another place

Thanks to this each ministry in the world had a long distance floo that connected to the other ministries alone. Nick found floo travel slightly more bearable than apparition as instead of feeling like you were getting sucked through a straw by your belly button it felt more like falling down a really deep hole. The flames were mostly just for opening the way while the actual travel was fairly peaceful if rather dirty. No matter how clean you were when stepping into the floo you will always come out the other side with soot and ash on you.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

4 days ago

The reason for cultivator to leave beind the wordly affair and mortal

At the very least that was what her experience told her as even babies had emotions and intents if a bit out of control. If a Buddhist were to know of this however they would feel privileged as one in such a state of emptiness was a holy and enlightened state of mind. Luna neither knew of this nor cared as she immediately hugged Nick from behind snapping his mind out of that state. He was calm however and merely looked at his friends before tapping the log he was on turning it into a long bench. "You alright mate?" Ron asked worried.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

7 days ago
Replied to PrimalWhiteStar


They didn't get very far before they came across their first magical beast as they cleared the path. It was a large rodent covered in brown and tan feathers that was spooked when it saw them and ran away. "Please tell me your mother didn't have a breeding pair of those a thousand years ago." Nick said pleadingly and Helena looked away awkwardly. "At least they are fairly harmless normally." Helena said reassuringly. Nick didn't not feel very reassured though since that was a colo colo or a Chilean feathered rat. They had a bad habit of draining energy from people making them more and more tired over time if not gotten rid of.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

7 days ago

Ahahahah It’s a donation for a good thing 😜 Don’t slander me🤫

Dotty had done as Nick had commanded though and was now wearing a blue and silver silk robe with the Ravenclaw family crest on the front. Getting dressed Nick greeted Olivander in the shop embarrassed from having slept in but the old man merely laughed it off. Checking the paper Nick raised an eyebrow at the headline {Ministry rights wrong! True criminal awaits trial!} 'Amazing how quickly things get done when you grease the wheels.' he thought a sigh that bribery was even needed to get justice done.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

8 days ago

i think it's because rock and metal don't have spirituality since they weren't alive from the start, when instead bone and wood had a spirit since born and for the bone a stronger spirituality and will and for that reason have arsher requirements. I Think 🤔

Nick stored the books in Greed and fell into thought about the information he had just learned. ' If metal and stone truly lack the ability to grow stronger over time as a wand then how does the growth enchantment of my rings work? Do I break some fundamental rule of magic whenever I enchant something or is there something no one has noticed missing when it's used to make wands that I have somehow added?' he pondered deeply with furrowed brows as the answer seemed to elude him.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

8 days ago

He had to do the ritual today then why the author didn’t say what animal was taken for that?🧐

11 days ago


System appraisal: A complex creation that makes one wonder about the mental state of the up and coming ring smith who made it!]

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro