After some time, I remembered about other anime as well 'Oh right, how can I forget about Fairy Tail or should I choose High School DxD. I can make a Harem in the later while not in the former and also the Woman in Highschool DxD are sexier. Guess it's an easy choice then…'
Anime & Comics · Evil_Villain
Opinion for a reason bud
After some time, I remembered about other anime as well 'Oh right, how can I forget about Fairy Tail or should I choose High School DxD. I can make a Harem in the later while not in the former and also the Woman in Highschool DxD are sexier. Guess it's an easy choice then…'
Anime & Comics · Evil_Villain
Thats why his character so good he plays the "I hate this mf to death" typa role, u are the best example
Mayuri: "Heh heh... So, you refuse to talk... Eh? Madarame!" - The eccentric-looking captain spoke in an irritated tone while glaring at Ikkaku, who seemed to be unfazed as he continued to look at the wall.
Fantasy · Moongetsu
bold words Dragon, bold words
Dragon smiled faintly. "Back then, I couldn't argue with you—you were traveling alone, without anything to hold you back. But now you have crewmates, which means you can't only think about yourself anymore. Don't underestimate the World Government. If you push them too far, how long can just the three of you keep running? Even if you can escape, can you guarantee your companions' safety? There are only three of you, so don't be reckless. Join us, and I can protect you all."
Anime & Comics · Gered
That's... that's hard to go through man. BUT I'm a MAN I GOT BALLS IMMA TOUGH IT THROUGH, ON MY GLORIOUS GOAT AIZEN I AM🗣️🔥🙏
Not only that, but he couldn't access any of his previous skills. Even Nature Breathing was out of reach as if he had forgotten how to use it.
Anime & Comics · FanficMortal
Nyoboi? Prolly gonna give it to Enel
[Ding! The Golden Staff is forged from celestial iron, possessing indestructible strength. Its power is determined by the user's own strength. The staff has a blood-binding feature. Before bonding, it's just an ordinary iron rod. Once bonded, it will activate its power and change form according to the owner's will—it can grow larger or smaller, lighter or heavier, with a maximum weight of up to one million kilograms.]
Anime & Comics · Gered
All it took was some low level boot licking
Enel, flattered by the praise, began to feel smug. "You have good eyes! Yahahaha! I'll take all the vegetables you've got!"
Anime & Comics · Gered
Enel and Takumi, understanding?
Anime & Comics · Gered
Cruel Reality Enel
Kaku couldn't help but add, "If it weren't for Takumi, you'd have died a hundred times over by now."
Anime & Comics · Gered
Bro IS NOT Aizen 🙏😭
"When were you under the impression, that I wasn't using my clone"
The Adaptive Quincy of Bleach
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp