Most traitors would not have agreed to betray them if the Emperor spent time with them and went out as father and son to camp, picnic or any other similar activity. In short, traitor primarchs are children throwing a tantrum.
Every day closer to the great crusade of the god emperor Ave divinum imperium imperatoris dei qui nos igne suo et glacie custodit
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I will give you all the power stones. This is something that someone who "loves" his brother and family would have done. Fuck all the elders of Konoha, the village has rotted since Tobirama became Kage, let them go to Kumo
tomorrow maybe xd
Look for the fic, the author posted it giving him the rights, it's in Chinese and it's very inconvenient for me to access xd
aemon will be malcador the sigilite?
Game Of Thrones: The God-Emperor of Planetos
TV · TheGreatPrince