"tanking her" sounds sexual 😂
"That's nice! Then I will finish It tomorrow" she said and took the scroll, and Young Master Ki left tanking her.
Eastern · ChanduGod
You mean darling here lol
Eastern · ChanduGod
No mate. I'm looking for another platform to upload. I'm still writing
Just in case ;)
(No. Not that kind of touching, you perverted reader!)
Fantasy · CJJChedid
Who doesn't
No worries mate. Everything has a price when it's this strong
Are you talking about Wu or Lei Ba?
Are you talking about Wu or Lei Ba?
Thank you for reading!
I fail to see why you keep reading the story if you find it so disappointing. While I appreciate the feedback, it's become somewhat of a nuisance looking at the stack of complaints you've written.
Rodgut and Frisian, Riniock thought again, his suspicion solidifying. They will pay for this…
Magick, Monsters & Murder
Fantasy · CJJChedid