Avenger class question mark?
Ten years, passed and the pandemic erased half of the entire populace, no cure was able to be made for the virus which was an extremely strong Bioweapon Time passed like this, and in fifty years only one million people survived, by the end of an era, the humanity was wiped out. The preparator of this unknown to what he had caused was enjoying his second life.
Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero
That's a CoD Ghosts GIF I just realized
Video Games · Azazyel
There was a hole in her chest...
Anime & Comics · Ghost_84
Thor's eyes then glowed faintly in a ghostly blue, symbolizing the use of the Viljestyrke - Archer, which the most advanced ability allowed the user to see the future for a short time.
Anime & Comics · Ghost_84
I saw a vision of a pack of Beowolf attacking our group about 10 seconds from now on.
Anime & Comics · Charlottes
I feel like I can hear the "really? in front of my Krabby Patty? " or something similar
"... How cute... I just wish you were watching this Athena, but again, the news gets around, so I'll probably still see that smile fall from your face" said Poseidon, who soon started following Medusa.
Anime & Comics · Ghost_84
Acht didn't have the time to deal with these maggots so he ignored them and walked away. 'They will leave when no one opens the door.' He thought.
Fantasy · ClashingBlades98
"You can call me Acht." He responded. It was his name when he was working as a hitman in his previous life. It was the only thing he inherited from his deceased mother.
Fantasy · ClashingBlades98
Romani nodded, "Uh-huh, and now she admires his disposition? Something about blunt honesty and self reliance, also God's gift? They're in a combat simulation right now."
Anime & Comics · Bleap