Oh dear. What a typo hahahaha. I will leave it be because it is too funny though; I almost choked on my water when I read it. Hahaha
Tempestria said with a hint of jealousment and amusement. "She kissed you, you stupid girl."
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Who knows~. Hahaha. :3
You are right~! I could swear that I corrected this... hm.
Verdantia, Lord Stormrider, Eila, Delia, Taro, and other allied leaders sat in the main office of the Golden Sap City Main Town Hall. Flor, Mariane, Wert, and the four Sylvans sat in the seven leading positions.
Fantasy · Mortrexo
It was, yes.
Their giant bodies were unstoppable, and all low-level Terragore in their way were helplessly crushed. The only ones that could somewhat fight back were the Level 30 and above ones, but even those would only last a few moves before the Arboreal Winged Serpents devoured them.
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Thank you! <3
I think it is explained later in the chapter? Perhaps in the next chapter.
Both Sylvans smiled faintly, and Harmonixia asked. "Flor, Ignatia, what's the plan?"
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Why have you been using a screenshot lately? XD
She will remain untalented, just knowing simple things compared to the girls. At most, she will be their helper!
Then, they walked away, leaving behind a group of smiling girls and a surprised Ghana.
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Cinderielle. Typo sorry!
The smug expression cracked, making Liu Shu look down in disbelief. "Why?"
Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos
Fantasy · Mortrexo