Please, don't redeem Nao. There's literally no reason to do canonically
This, all the waiting paid off in such a spectacular manner. Thanks, man, this has given me peace of mind.
Kanako finally doing something useful
Anime & Comics · Hazy_0832
Yuuto really can't get a break. I really hope that shota bastard gets his skull broken.
Just ignore whoever is flaming you man, I am sure almost everyone here is enjoying how this is developing. thanks for the chapter.
Really hope Yuuto keeps his promise to Nao of what would happen if she threatened Kanako or Kaede.
are you really gonna redeem Kaede? I honestly hope none of them get any kind of redemption.
Thank you! It is weird to find a story based around that terasu POS work, this is a work of art.
please update
Anti-NTR Man: Tomboy Sister Bully
Anime & Comics · Hazy_0832