Abigail_Capps_0679 - Profile


LV 11
2021-02-04 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 8

Moments 281


What if the robots could “eat” but really the food went to like some sort of bag inside then that could be emptied or flushed out later?

Vincent had no doubt she would. That was the only reason he wasn't more annoyed he had to go to this in place of the robots that would handle everything else so they could go sightseeing. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


So… It might be a love story 😍


Maya might love him. And though he didn't properly know what love felt like, he might love her back. He would do anything to keep her happy. Wasn't that sufficient evidence that he had given in to the most dangerous type of sentimentality?

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


Platonic snuggles are awesome

They headed to the home theater together and she snuggled up against his side  as soon as the movie was on. It was slightly unexpected but he had basically given her the greenlight to do such things. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


Idk man.. you are really good at it from what I can tell.. again might be a “bad guy” cuz villan, but you aren’t. a bad guy.

He could make time. She needed him right now and he wasn't about to let her down so quickly after saying he wouldn't. That would be counterproductive. He knew he wasn't the best husband but he needed to try and be better. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


This sounds like a four letter word I hear people experience… hmmmmm


Vincent laughed again. "I'm aware of that, thanks. What can I say? You have that effect on me. I spent my whole life being rational until I met you. It's been quite an adjustment going to the irrational side."

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


Not experiencing attraction is different than love.. you can love someone without attraction. It would be a platonic love but he could still love her. But its true it isn’t the same as being “in” love

"I can't give you what you want, Maya. I wish I could. I wish I was different but this is how I am. I can buy you anything…do whatever you ask of me…but I can't change the fact that I don't experience attraction. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


Honestly he might be a “bad guy” but he isn’t a bad guy. He’s charming in his own ways. Even not knowing her well, from the beginning he desired to improve her life and remove suffering.

That had been Vincent's intention from the start. He was glad it worked. Originally he thought that he would hook someone with a high-spending lifestyle but after finding out her debt wasn't her own doing aside from student loans, he had wanted her to get used to having her every whim taken care of.

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat



Vincent ignored her and continued working. This was fine. He was fine. He carried on until he needed a coffee refill and some food because if he didn't get up soon, his legs would go numb from disuse. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat



Kaleb was determined to be her unborn baby's favorite uncle and that would be difficult if he was only around consistently for a few months out of the year. Nathan or even Logan could easily beat him out for that since they were both based in New York City these days. 

Run, Girl (If You Can)

Run, Girl (If You Can)

Fantasy · Mcllorycat


Well.. you played with fire and you got burnt.. but unlike fire women don’t actually burn! And they usually smell like flowers instead of smoke

Kings were essentially useless without their queens in chess. Historically speaking, there had been far too many wars, duels, and so on where women were the cause as well. Getting involved with one was one of the stupidest things a man could do and yet here he was. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat



She idly looked out the windows until she could see a land mass in the distance. They were nearly at the island. Anticipation fluttered in her stomach and she went back outside to get a better look. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat

Replied to WalkerBoh


It wasn't that big a deal considering they had done this before but she would have thought he wanted his privacy. The only time they had shared out of anything but necessity was the perplexing incident where he fell asleep on her while trying to comfort her mid-nightmare.

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


Homemade cookies juat hit differently than store bot or robot made. You know what I mean?

His eyes widened as if he couldn't fathom the idea of someone baking on their own and he grabbed one eagerly before shoving it in his mouth. She barely stifled her laughter. He did love his sweets but it was still funny seeing him come back to life because of some cookies.

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat


Happy spouse happy house

He was thoroughly chastised. Right. He needed to do better if he wanted to keep her happy and by his side. He had known that already and had still been too emotionally dense to realize what that would entail. 

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

I Married A Wannabe Supervillain

Urban · Mcllorycat
