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I feel as though I read to much

2021-01-31 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 5

Moments 192

Replied to OMN1CR0N_GAMING

He was allowed small uses of his quirk cause he went out with his dad is what I’ve kind of gathered. Also it being All Mights son, they probably decided to just look the other way

An elderly woman smiled, tears in her eyes. "He helped rebuild my store after that villain attack. He didn't have to, but he said it was important for the community."

Superman in mha

Superman in mha

Anime & Comics · CWN1223

Replied to Lel0uchX

Endurance is how long someone can last stamina wise

"What do you think about trying a new exercise tomorrow?" Nezu suggested, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "I have some ideas that could help improve your endurance even further."

Superman in mha

Superman in mha

Anime & Comics · CWN1223


It’s always Maeve, how sad

AN: The votes have been counted and Queen Maeve won by a lot, so Queen Maeve is going to be the female lead. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar


Hopefully kimiko

AN: I've narrowed down the Female lead to two people, either Queen Maeve or Kimiko Miyashiro. Please vote on the picture I post in this paragraph section, by liking the photo. Any other ways of voting will not be counted, the vote ends next Saturday, 04/26/2024. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar


Was hoping this one would get picked back up

A Wizard In D&D ( I'll probably rewrite this one so the character doesn't have every spell from D&D at the start. Or If you guys want I could make it about an Artificer or even Psion from D&D instead. Give me suggestions on what spell level he should start with.)

A D&D Wizard in DC

A D&D Wizard in DC

Anime & Comics · ForThe_Lolzs


This is weird as hell

Her body subtly leans forward, as if trying to gently narrow the gap between my fingers and her pussy.

Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

TV · Ulixe

Replied to MarcusDeGabriel


She continued to explain where the classes would take place, the location of the dormitories, and the various rules that should supposedly be respected. I just followed her behind and kept looking at her jiggling ass while she swayed her hips gracefully with each step. There was also one time when she bent down to pick something up from the floor, and you could perfectly see the valley between her buttocks and the outline of her panties. I want to squeeze it so badly… Why am I feeling so horny? Is this a sign of puberty?

Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

TV · Ulixe

Replied to Chaos_Order8

Yep it’s Ghost Spider origin story

"No, No, No. You can't die, Peter!" I could feel Gwen hugging my body and crying. Hoping that somehow I could survive this ordeal.

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Anime & Comics · DRAGONS_EYE

Replied to Jama1810

It’s a university in this universe, so they must just have dorms prebuilt

Replied to VandalZekt

There is a hidden value the author isn’t showing but Int stat does have a value. It’s how he puts points into it


Gave me a good chuckle

That teddy bear hadn't only given him one of the best opportunities of his life, but he even remembered the hyphen.

MHA : Spider-Man

MHA : Spider-Man

Movies · Huvnn

Replied to AlexCyberHeart

It is a massive troupe at this point

And just when I stretched my lips into a smile and planned to calm them down, I started to vomit uncontrollably.

Not the Last Airbender

Not the Last Airbender

Anime & Comics · Paracetam0l

Replied to AstralFear

Oh no a person that’s uncomfortable with killing people for the first time. It’s a valid reaction to killing just accept it


And just when I stretched my lips into a smile and planned to calm them down, I started to vomit uncontrollably.

Not the Last Airbender

Not the Last Airbender

Anime & Comics · Paracetam0l

Replied to Alpha_Ace

Pretty sure it’s cause they were physically in the spirit world. Not just as spirits but as physical beings

their element, it's just simplest with fire and lightning. I grasped the entire process, understood and accepted it, when observing the spirits. I understood why my bending was ineffective there, precisely, it didn't work at all. All four elements remained in the material world, not in the Spirit World. And so, the only way to use these elements in the Spirit World is to create them! And all the spirits materialize their element from bending, rather than using one that's already present. Those among them who use elements at all.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Anime & Comics · Vandalizer



"I…don't fucking know," I answered honestly. We should have died. That much is a fucking fact. Mei alone would have been enough to handle us, add the two of her shinobi and her brother, and we were fucked.

The Enlightened One (Senju!SI)

The Enlightened One (Senju!SI)

Anime & Comics · Kakukami
