

female LV 2

Hello, I’m Hekate, and I think I’m dead. I like cute and unnecessarily edgy things. I have a completely warranted predisposition for narcissism and I also like to write sometimes.

2021-01-23 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States
ป้าย 8

Moments 159
2 years ago

Ha ha. Just from what I’ve experienced, male protag stories are both higher in quantity and quality, which is a real shame tbh. For some reason, all the interesting or well put together female protag fics are dropped after a few chapters, either that or they have really inconsistent update schedules. But I guess it can’t be helped, since there are so many more male than female stories, it’s obvious that there will be more quallity male fics. Anyway, keep up the good work for us that prefer female protags over male protags :)

Oh wait NVM, that was for male lead characters. Holy shit does male lead dominate in this site. I'm 2nd place in PS monthly and 4th place All time. Since the story came out.

A Hero by the Name of Silk

A Hero by the Name of Silk

Movies · Lightblade23

2 years ago
Replied to real777

There are more like her, but not in her ‘branch’ of the organization. I won’t say what that means explicitly since it’ll be explained later on, but maybe you’ll understand anyway.

2 years ago
Replied to Mr_H3nt1

Ah, confusing? Anything in particular…?

2 years ago
Replied to JooH

Probably no romance, atleast not as of now

Oh… about the MC, in this story. Wondering if you guys can see a definite/solid/strong personality from her, because to me as the author she seems kind of dull so far.

Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?

Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?

Anime & Comics · Dead_Hekate

2 years ago
Replied to Horatio_Prout

No, I eventually want her becoming a hero. Though just to clear something up, she can be hired for anyone for any purposes as long as they pay enough, it just happens that murder is the most populaur service. So she won’t always be playing the role of bad guy, just most of the time

Oh… about the MC, in this story. Wondering if you guys can see a definite/solid/strong personality from her, because to me as the author she seems kind of dull so far.

Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?

Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?

Anime & Comics · Dead_Hekate

2 years ago

Good writing, good story, good author. There are a few moments where a cringed a bit at what I read, but that just means you did a great job at capturing the essence of a fanfic, right? Anyway, I suppose you can say that you both intrigued, and entertained me, nice work, mortal.

2 years ago


And then, on the day my mom came back home they dropped the biggest bomb on me. Maria was moving in with us and Mom was going to share her room with her. They honestly looked pretty excited about it all things considered but then I guess if they knew each other from college, it was possible that they were roommates at one point and completely comfortable with sharing a bed. Mom had a queen sized bed so it shouldn't be that hard I guess.

Light of the Lanterns

Light of the Lanterns

Anime & Comics · GhastlyClown6762

2 years ago

Just curious, how’s the update schedule for this looking?

2 years ago

I feel you bro…

[No, the system does not use an arbitrary leveling system that many RPGS use. Such things cannot accurately describe the strength of individuals and would become tedious after a while to keep track of all the numbers and skills]

RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi

2 years ago
Replied to The_Bip_Boop2003

Maybe? Though there isn’t supposed to be any correlation or connection between the two

"You usually introduce yourself to someone when you meet… Oh well, you can call me Doctor Briar, and you…?

Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?

Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?

Anime & Comics · Dead_Hekate

  • Maybe I’m The Bad Guy? original

    Maybe I’m The Bad Guy?


    Reincarnation, it’s a funny thing. Some people are reborn with the power to change, or destroy reality, while others are left to die in a new harsh world. Then, there are the people who fall somewhere in the middle, people like Sal. Salem used to be a guy, a normal one at that, the strangest part about him was his parents and the edgy name they gave him. But then, reincarnation was thrown into the mix and now he’s not sure whats normal anymore. He’s suddenly a she, she’s suddenly created in a lab, and she suddenly has the ability to steal the life of others, literally. But its not all bad, after all they treat her like a princess, and all she has to do is suck the life out of whoever they tell her to…? Ok, so… maybe she’s the bad guy? —- —- —- Tags: Marvel Fanfiction, MCU, Female MC, Gender Bender, Inconsistent Chapter releases.

    3 Chs 187 คอลเลกชัน

  • How do I stop being a fish. original

    How do I stop being a fish.



    Coming to, in a pet shop, inside of a glass fish tank, is not the ideal way to wake up on a Saturday. Of course, I’m not that unlucky, as to not know my situation, because I have this lovely thing right here, telling me what to do. [Emergency quest!: Reincarnation and fishes, You get the jest of it, you’re a fish, now get the hell out of there! Reward:??? Penalty: Death(cause of death will be neglect)] Ah, what a nice Saturday... Fuck.

    33 Chs 1k คอลเลกชัน

  • Stay Dead, Jakuzure! original

    Stay Dead, Jakuzure!

    Anime & Comics REINCARNATION

    This… wasn’t normal. Even though she might’ve took part in a rebellion against humanities clothing overlords, she definitely knew this wasn’t normal. Of course, dying once and coming back, sure that’s normal but… “We’ll come on then… Don’t keep the ferryman waiting, little miss...” Why can’t she just stay alive? —- —- —- After her unfortunate demise during the battle against Ragyō Kiryūin, Nonon Jakuzure learns that there’s more to the world then it seems. Meeting the ferryman, or rather, death himself, she ends up owing a favor for him, one she intends on keeping. Yet, after another unfortunate incident, she loses her life again, throwing away her second chance… Of course, death doesn’t take favors lightly, and he doesn’t intend on letting Nonon rest until she’s filled her end of the deal. —- —- —- This is the story of how Nonon Jakuzure keeps dying, and keeps coming back, each time. Along the way, Nonon makes many friends and enemies, developing her ability [Nonon Sound Negation] into something more… fearsome. This is the author, there’s no particular schedule for uploads, the only guideline being when my motivation allows it. But ideally, uploads will be everyday except Saturday and sundays.

    3 Chs 22 คอลเลกชัน

  • Soul Link: SANS original

    Soul Link: SANS

    Video Games ACTION

    Please note that this isn't REALLY a fanfic, most of the story will be mine except for the part where mc has sans powers. --- --- --- In an alternate Earth where monsters have started to appear, terrorizing the general populace, with strange abilities that seemingly belong in fantasy. Fortunately for mankind, they awaken... nothing... BUT, after several years of being terrorized they develop a device name the Soul EXM Link. The strange device extracts soul fragments of the defeated monsters, then merges them with the user's own soul gifting them with the ability of the corresponding monster, if they are compatible, of course, --- --- --- Many years after the development of the link, humanity is in a struggle against a newly raising power, a lich king, named sans. Fortunately, for them, they manage to defeat him, gaining a large part of his powerful soul. Deciding to be cautious, they implant the soul into the one with the most compatibility, that being a little girl that has seemingly had a 100% affinity for undead souls. In hopes of being able to make a powerful weapon out of the girl they are unconcerned with the backlash of the implant, blinded by their excitement resulting in the girl's demise, or so they thought. --- --- --- "Why do I.... hear megalovania?" mutters a little girl, waking up in a mountain of corpses.

    5 Chs 128 คอลเลกชัน