DM: you enter a small enclosed room and notice 3 kobolds in fron- Wizard: I CAST FIREBALL casualties: 7
The upside was that their aspect of 'explosive gas' was legitimately terrifying. Their schema was nothing particularly unique and was mostly constructivistic with a hint of channelling, but in the end the aspect spoke for itself. The cat-kin could create gouts of flame, explosive blasts, or even just clouds of suffocating gas. Dahlia was simply happy that they didn't seem like a total pyromaniac and instead seemed pretty laid back. They knew when to chuck a fireball and knew when doing so would result in quite literal friendly fire. They could be aggressive when needed, or stay their hand as the situation called for it. Very cool Cyril. More wizards should be like you.
Fantasy · AngelAsphodel
Nah. No way you wrote that there was an explosion at the 2 towers.
Where the explosions took place at two different towers, barrels of weapons could be seen. It didn't take a genius to know that these looked like the firearms popularised in the republic, but unlike those firearms, these seemed to actually be relics that launched magical explosive charges. Just judging from the craters left behind, those explosions weren't anything to mess with either as it had left behind a three metre diameter cavity in the ground and killed at least two soldiers on impact, injuring even more.
Fantasy · AngelAsphodel
I'm pretty sure this is a war crime... oh well womp womp.
"This was thanks to Sabrina as well. In addition to being a voyeur, she also had the bright idea to essentially legally rob a bunch of noble houses. It feels wrong and we weren't all that keen on it… but looking through the list that she collated we would be idiots not to follow the suggestion. Basically, every location we plan to raid to prevent an insurrection will also have specific resources we want to gather. Basic things like money are worthless to us because the Lukresh coffers are overflowing, but there are specific skilled individuals as well as rare treasures, relics, and artefacts that all have incredibly high value."
Fantasy · AngelAsphodel
it's been a while since we had a testament.
Dodging projectiles at his speed, without relying on mana, was a testament to his heightened perception.
Fantasy · RealmWeaver
Low tier vampire
Before I reached him, he suddenly vanished from my, he flew straight down...and he's heading straight for Presde. Not good! Azeria dashed in front of Presde and formed a row of lava spears, firing them as Lazarus shot towards him, but he canceled them out with a Blood Magic blast, the shockwave upon impact sending her skidding away along the ground painfully.
Fantasy · Aimdaqs
Kuro, king of the vampires.
Once this mission is over, these people will definitely try to rebuild The Valaque Empire, but if Platinberg was being run by Vampires, then they'd no longer be The Empire's allies, and wouldn't support them. After all, this truce was just a temporary measure, taken as a last resort since there was no other alternative. That by no means made them our allies. No matter what, I can't let myself forget that these people are my enemies...
Fantasy · Aimdaqs
am I stupid because rooftops don't have walls
"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I usually train on my house rooftop, but my parents don't let me anymore since I damaged the walls too much," I replied with a sigh.
Fantasy · Aimdaqs
wow humans and others. what an extensive list.
These beings include humans and other magical creatures who can make a connection with the Magic Gem upon reaching maturity through the Awakening ceremony.
Fantasy · RVN_1998
The fourteenth match was won by Riefe Elrurs, one of the first years who had passed Instructor Dile's entrance exam. He had a bushy squirrel tail, brown messy hair, dark brown eyes and a freckled face. He had Wind Magic and used a slingshot. He launched small explosive bombs, smoke bombs and spiky metal balls, using Wind Magic to speed them up.
Fantasy · Aimdaqs
I hope she uses knifes in Battle and names all her moves after cooking techniques, like Sanji.