a Horse?! Mr. Hands?
It was odd. He shook his head as if trying to get rid of a particularly persistent migraine, the ones he had whenever he drank something called the "Romulan Ale" that flooded the black market a few centuries back and he had bought some from the Kree Black Markets, just as an experiment, and ended up in "compromising circumstances" with a "Quadrupedal land mammal of the genus Equus commonly domesticated by humans for transportation, agricultural labor, and recreational activities, distinguished by its elongated head, flowing mane, and swift locomotive capabilities".
Movies · IdleMuse0307
"What are you smiling about?" Rumi questioned when my sly smile became downright maniacal.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
It was about destroying them. Heart, mind, and soul.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
Cinder used action instead of words in response. Lightly, she placed her hands on my chest before they traveled slowly down it, her hands running over my and before they found my belt buckle.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
"You can call me Heartless."
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
probably going to be in a flashback
He was getting jittery, he realised that. After the meeting with Wakanda, wherein he so gleefully reminded them that Vibranium was the strongest metal on Earth, not in existence. There were also plenty of beings in the universe capable of breaking apart Vibranium and some of them even resided on Earth.
Movies · IdleMuse0307
"Ricky~" Alina whispered, surprised by a side of him she had never seen before as to her he was like an onion, with so many layers yet to be revealed.
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
Always nice to meet a fan
Robin was kind of disappointed when he heard that the world of his dreams was already set in stone so he thought 'So, I can't ask for a Rinnegan but I can maybe ask for an Uchiha bloodline huh?'
Anime & Comics · Bakorio
The Sage of the Mind
Movies · IdleMuse0307