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LV 14

I read too much…

2021-01-09 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 17

Moments 4533

Replied to DaoistGatsu973

Good. They deserve to feel fear. I have no sympathy for them.

Of course, all these changes were to be slowly implemented in the coming 5 years, many things might need to be changed but overall it will be the same. All he needed to do was to make sure that a good system was in place to pump out more teachers, tackle the issues such as bullying faster and also keep campuses safe from perverts, including perverted teachers. He had a few secret weapons for all this but that will only come later.

Marvel: Mr. President [COMPLETE]

Marvel: Mr. President [COMPLETE]

Movies · MisterImmortal

Replied to Orions


Its body was similar to that of a cetacean but the comparison stopped here, it has on each side of its head at the front a closed eye accompanied by 6 pure golden lenses in two lines, similar in shape to compound eyes. It has behind and on each side of its head two sets of fins. 

A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003

Replied to TBJ5K


Only Edward will have its knowledge. When Earth becomes too crowded, the wizards will use magic to terraform Mars and make it Earth 2.0. His muggle company had also started to sell many medicines, including cancer medicine. His company had enough strength to compel the world to enforce a strict 2 child policy to curb the population increases. Japan and countries like it were exempted though. They were told to have as much sex as possible.

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to Billy_Bunn_5040

Replied to Phoenixabyss

Fun Fact: No?

The Legendary Whale he had received from the King of Atlantis as a gift had died the moment Barbatos appeared earlier, and Noah found himself taking down another one of its species not too long after.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui


He’s Mr. Bombastic

EPIC [Bombastic] :: Highly pressurized pockets of water will form and explode on command.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui



Y’know, if Earth’s system is able to kill demons…


Some major worlds had exceptional Unique Treasures that made them powerful and stand out in the universe, one of the examples being the system of 72 Rulers of the Demon World that were near impossible to truly kill.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui



There used to be 72 rulers of the Demon World in total, and now only 69 remained. Where had the Demon King fallen? Which grand world had one of them stepped into that caused such a huge incident?!

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui



Childish laughter rang out from Noah as the rumbling heightened, and a wondrous eruption occurred!

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

Replied to CuteTibo

I like how everyone else glossed over that fact as well. Like bruh. It’s a mosquito, shouldn’t it be like some kind of blood skill?

[Volcanic Eruption], S rank...I looked at the details of the terrifying skill as my heart palpitated at the thought of it. My figure evaded the venomous blasts that had found my position once more as I looked at the beast below me.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

Replied to Oto

Other people have already said it, but


Noah acted first as a cry rang out from him, invigorating the hunters all around and easing their fears. His hand rose to the skies as a long staff appeared pointing forward. Multiple five-meter circles came to light in the air, dark red flames spurting out towards the incoming beasts as [Infernal Purge] was cast. The circles increased exponentially as time passed, making the skies above the beasts look hellish as the flames flew down towards them

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui



This was the first item I found that wasn't a generic armor or weapon, but it's effectiveness was low when it came to me. When equipped, it looked like white glowing wings of light spread out from my back. The wings allowed you to float as long as mana was supplied, and having them on increased your maneuverability and speed in the air. I didn't need the floating function because of [Flight], but I would have them on for the boost they provide while I was flying. My speed became even faster, allowing me to reach the third city today before night fell

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui


A mile isn’t really that far honestly.

Only two usable rank B support skills came out of these 18 runs, one being [Emboldened Ferocity- An imposing presence emanates from you, granting increased damage to affected foes] and [Eagle Eyes-Focus your eyes to view as far a mile around you]. The remaining were rank B [Item]s that fully upgraded me from the lower-ranked items I had been wearing.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

Replied to DarkKiller_5

Gandalf the gay


Rachel and the rest of them had been talking up strategies on the way here as they had nothing better to do, and already had a plan that used their new skills the best. The recently buffed up Knights went forward with their huge shield as they blocked the 10 guards that the 2 Mages then sniped with colorful lightning

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui
