8. Harry Potter--
Anime & Comics · legendaryweeb
whait what did the reincarnated guy fet from the mirror disc?
at this poit i dont even tink he was reborn
why is ge so frendly with dumbaldoor ?
will he become a true shapeshifter like Loki or only Illusions if so he could shapeshift into a bird and fly
Im out [img=Mad]
will harry become a shapshifter like Loki?
pls tell me he took Darwins dna he has ine of the best abilities in the comics
why does it seam like he is not a reincarnated person its all just going whith the original story nothing is diferent if he knows the story why dosent he change anithyng or even just acknolege that he knows the feuter
weren't they a couple?
Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
Book&Literature · TalesByJaz