Humhumhum I'm coming!! Hm, this is romance book, right? I think that's story tell about love triangle, so ... it must be excited! And also your sentences and description is pretty good, actually good, but that's little bit much I guess. But overall its exellent! Keep going!
But overall, that's plot is very good. You did a good sentences. So keep going!!!
Hi this is fenly kim! okay I arrived here and here my review! hehe I already read the blurb, then I was imagine how cute they meet the dragon. Haha. And I very excited when they survive from the villain, that's make me heat beat for waiting next chapter!
*typo is everywhere : story
This is Kimmy Yamashira. I came to review ur book [img=recommend] Hey, that's book is soooo good. Very intense and myterious. So curious atmosphere in the storu, and actually I love your pretty idea. o keep going!
yes! hehe
Tapi ... Ternyata ada juga lekuk lain yang tidak cocok, seperti bukan pola yang sesuai. Apa maksudnya?
Fantasy · Fenly_Arismaya
Lagipula, itu di daerah yg saljunya lebat banget kak. Biasanya tingginya ampe bermeter2, jadi mobil gak bisa masuk. Harus ada mobil pemecah es yg lewat. Klo pake kereta kuda, atau kadang rusa bertanduk, itu bisa dipecah. Karena mereka kuat
Beberapa menit persiapan telah usai, mereka pun bertemu di titik kumpul. Membawa serta kuda-kuda juga. Meletakkan barang-barang perlengkapan mereka di kereta yang ditarik oleh para kuda itu.
Fantasy · Fenly_Arismaya
oh, ini karena di daerah salju kak. Kereta salju itu masih dipake biasanya, karena lebih strong. Ada beberapa hewan yg bisa memecah es
Beberapa menit persiapan telah usai, mereka pun bertemu di titik kumpul. Membawa serta kuda-kuda juga. Meletakkan barang-barang perlengkapan mereka di kereta yang ditarik oleh para kuda itu.
Fantasy · Fenly_Arismaya
This is Kimmy Yamashira. I told you, I've already read your blurb and chapter one. For the beginning, I think its sooo beautiful words and sentences. This setting place that can make the readers feeling the story for more. I can imagine the characters pain, that's awesome. You did a good job! Keep going! [img=recommend]
Hi! It's me Fenly Kim! Hey you did a good beginning, babe. But better than you put the title in chapter with a interesting title, not only chapter one. But overall it's good! Keep going!
Back to you Alec!
Urban · NinaY