Webnovel Author: Ser_Zachary - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1
2020-11-09 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United Kingdom

ป้าย 3

Moments 66


Help him survive? Bruh, the guy's gonna f*cking die if he runs into someone like Sabretooth lol.

Reincarnated Life In MCU

Reincarnated Life In MCU

Anime & Comics · insanecrash

Replied to THICCBOY_97

I mean, it's more like Shizuo Heiwajima from 'Durarara!' but whatever works for you, man.

Why do my muscles hurt me by breaking my bones? Pretty simple and easy answer. They're simply too strong for my bones to withstand their contractions. Even the muscles themselves snap and tear sometimes, not even able to handle their own force. This is all because I've been born with a unique physiology asides from the one that means I can use or store mana.

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary

Replied to Yamakasi_10


He'd pretty much mitigated all my damage...and seeing that made my blood boil with excitement. 'I guess I do have a bad case of battle maniac, huh?' I laughingly thought as I took a few steps toward the old monk who also started walking toward me.

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary

Replied to Keisar

Lol, okay. Your entitlement continues to astonish me lmao.

...Not a full one, at least! I learnt a lot of it off of this old monk, you know!? I'm not inherently a weird battle maniac, you know?!

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary

Replied to Damz

No. That dude couldn't even walk because his muscles would break his bones. This is more like Shizuo Heiwajima from 'Durarara!'.

You see, most people have a limit on their muscular strength. For two reasons: One, energy. Two, safety. For example, if you were always running on 100% muscle power, you'd require a hell of a lot more calories than usual. It's also a lot more inefficient to run something at 100% power when you only need 20 or 30% to get the job done. And evolution works on efficiency. Practically thrives on it. Evolution is all about finding efficiency and solutions to the inefficiency of a lifeform. So, because it'd be more efficient to work on 20-30% muscle power evolution capped our (humanities) muscle power and makes it so we can only use it when hopped up on adrenaline and when we really need it. Like a mom lifting some inhuman weight to save her baby or whatever.

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary

Replied to Keisar

Sarcasm is very unbecoming, you know?

...Not a full one, at least! I learnt a lot of it off of this old monk, you know!? I'm not inherently a weird battle maniac, you know?!

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary

Replied to Keisar

A piece? It was a sizable chunk. A sizeable chunk being bigger than a person's head. Your nose would be broken after that. My nose would be broken after that. Hell, that's big enough to crack open someone's skull or possibly even be lethal--and the MC shrugged it off pretty much. So, stop trying to make it out like the MC has brittle bones lol. Anyway, that's besides the point because that was, like, 5 years ago. He was 11 when that happened. Then there was a one year timeskip after he broke his nose and arm --> then when he was 12 he found out that his defective physique was actually very beneficial for his overall strength and physical prowess --> then there was a 4 year timeskip to when he was 16 and he's now having a fight with his gramps. So, in five years time you don't think he'd have improved his durability to the point where he can resist this level of impact? Also, read the story more carefully before you make comments like this. I even said he was 16 and it'd been 4 years since the events of the last chapter, at the very start of this chapter.

'...Holding back? Who do I think I am?' I wondered to myself as I was blasted back with speed that easily broke the sound barrier. I flew through a few walls until I hit the outer wall of the compound that'd been specially empowered by Senjutsu. Even then, my impact caused countless cracks and fissures to appear.

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary

Replied to Keisar

Who? The MC? Because if so...I don't think you've been reading what was just said. If you mean everyone else? Yeah, when compared to the MC, most people are like glass cannons.

But at the very least I was a High-Class Being purely with physical strength and martial arts. Senjutsu pushed me to a top tier High-Class Being. Yet other High-Class Beings didn't hold my level of physical strength or prowess - Why? Because most other High-Class Beings become High-Class through their amount and purity of their chosen energy rather than their physique's toughness and strength. They can enhance their body with that energy (through Body Strengthening Magic) but even then they probably can't hold a light to my muscles and my overall strength.

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Highschool DxD: Magic? Who Needs It When I Have Muscles!?

Anime & Comics · Ser_Zachary
