Webnovel Author: KaitheSovereign - Fanfic Collection



LV 4

Nothing much to know I’m a mid tier writer at best

2020-10-29 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 7

Moments 340


While I wasn’t happy with the original direction I would of still read it either way. I know Ace you portrayed is just smarter then that and he would of known they try something like that. But! No one infallible so he could of slipped and I still would of read it. I mean it would of just been more of how ghost spiders situation was when she accidentally killed Peter in her universe I would of read it still I hope you weren’t strong armed into changing things based on people saying they would dropped it

I wanted to give you a heads up that I've made some edits to a few chapters. In short, I've removed the term "metahuman" because I feel like it's not working for the story right now. So, Ace won't be pursuing a change from "mutants" for the time being. I might reintroduce it later when the main character takes active steps to alter the perception of mutants. Also, I've rewritten chapters 52 and 53, which will affect Ace's situation. That's it for now. I'll remove this announcement when the next chapter is posted. I hope you all enjoy the changes and please leave a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for reading the story! If you can, please give some power stones to support the story. That will be appreciated.

A Rider Kick in Marvel

A Rider Kick in Marvel

Movies · Najicablitz626

Replied to Mad_Crazer

You don’t have to It’s just a suggestion not really telling you to do anything just a suggestion I’ll still read either way if she’s in or not

Hey guys, I'd like to ask you all something. I in fact only was planning to have Ais in his harem. But any of you want to add anyone else? Though not all of them, may be Haruhime or the girls from the hostess of fertility or may be some gods....

Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

Anime & Comics · Mad_Crazer

Replied to DiabolicalDude203

I wouldn’t have guessed either if I didn’t see the cover page with the synopsis of the book at the bottom it says it is

Still, it's very useful for strong and tough creatures like these, which will be very helpful in rebuilding society.

DC: Dimensional Luck

DC: Dimensional Luck

Anime & Comics · Sothisq


I feel this comment so well I have a lot of things I like to do outside of writing and then you tell them to back off and then they get angry at you acting like your the bad guy. Or worse when purposefully try to give you one star reviews just because you told them to stop asking

To those that kept sending me messages asking if the story is abandoned or asking/demanding a new chapter, I want to say: back off. Honestly, I'm thrilled that there are people so invested in my story that they can't wait for the next chapter, but please keep in mind that I write because I enjoy it and I post it because I thought some other people might enjoy it as well. Being harangued for updates is NOT enjoyable. I could just as easily keep what I write to myself. 

Gaming the Apocalypse - Resident Evil Chronicles

Gaming the Apocalypse - Resident Evil Chronicles

Movies · Neoacoya1


I could see Nana becoming even more busted if she learned Touki imagine her blitzing everything like a cannonball go full raikage and Lairet someone at breakneck speeds.

Nana, now relaxed on the sofa, responded with a captivating smile: "I believe in physical strength because it's something I can feel directly. It's an extension of myself, and I trust it. Plus, it's fun!"

DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

Anime & Comics · Mirko22

Replied to Mineral_Fox

Stop asking. It’s annoying just because I was on holiday and am not wanting to post currently doesn’t mean it’s dropped I have my own life to live I can’t update all the time so enough. You constantly asking just makes me want to put it off more because people like you annoy me enough to do so

Replied to KaitheSovereign


