degradation of the mind nice u thought this out.
(A/N: He has a child's brain and hormones do affect him, he isn't one with system so it is justified)
Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero
Overall story idea is nice but could be polished abit. Main problem is your execution. Explaining on his background or possible truma he suffers in the status just dropping it in out of thin air. give it a rewrite to polish the story and fix holes in the plot it will be amazing, you could write longer chapters with a bigger wait time I'm pretty sure most people won't mind.
nice thanks for the chapter
heavy stealth
Just thinking of the man sent a shiver down her spine as memories of the Civil War came to mind. He had been a terror on the battle field all those years ago, causing a lot of trouble for the Old Satans and their faction. From direct confrontations that resulted in heavy casualties, to destroying supply lines and he even did 'assassinations'. Usually those types of jobs requires a form of stealth and expertise but no, he would just kill anyone around his target and call it a done day.
Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor
alot of hero's and sidekicks do that it's natural.
it's Russian
От него исходила спокойная и безмятежная аура. Его глаза были наполнены любовью и нежностью, когда он постукивал тростью по бессознательной фигуре Роберта.
Anime & Comics · Flavio_Lopes
Nice work I like how the foundation is from another world and preparing the new administrator for the job. Tbh I'd would be funny if his power is immortality where if he dies his body just rebuilds it's self either this is given by the system or he gets it from Scp-006 fountain of youth. I don't know if u have seen scp explained but watch their videos on Scp-5000 if you are going to bring that one in early since it's a verry bad one if u consider it most people that write stories don't understand it's connected to project dammerung Scp-2718. But this is your story so your choice. I shall await the next update keep up the hard work.
It says 15k on previous page near top idk if you missed it. Personally would have locked the upgrade behind power too but your story and my opinion. Sorry if other people have corrected this and you made an explanation.
The upgrade cost him 30,000 points, bringing his total down to 126,000 points.
War · Jojome_2024
you didn't give it a name its just called planet 4
I wonder if anyone can guess what species Jesse ended up creating. Let me know in the comments!
Anime & Comics · Cosmic_Wolf_4728
"When you cleanse an organ, you take a single step forward on the food chain. That first step at eternity. It grants you a certain ability that'll forever separate you from everyone else. Based on your cleared organs, you can influence other people. For your instance, you have literal control over life and death at the mere flick of the finger. Your Heart produces a type of pressure that'll make other hearts seethe with envy. To bow in unison to yours. Meaning, you can control foreign heartbeats. Even at your most basic stage, you have no equals among your age group. No peer close to you in terms of power whatsoever. Your Heart now has the ability to kill, to instill fear so great that no one would dare ever cross you. For right now, only those who also cleared at least a single organ have any kind of defense against this pressure. But the more organs you clear, the stronger this pressure will become. This will happen with every single one of your organs, all capable of producing their pressure in kind. This is the power of the Divine Organs. The reason of why so many Ancient Practitioners had this legendary level of arrogance towards everyone to the point of calling all those not on the path, 'Mortals', it was well founded. You need to learn how to control this pressure, or else you'll kill anyone who gets too close."
Immortality in DxD
Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor