Webnovel Author: Erebos592 - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13

The night's beautiful....Don't you think so?

2020-10-20 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 7

Moments 708

Replied to DaoistOfSupremacy

soooo...... you gonna tell me how im wrong? or are you just not going to explain your reasoning.

But finally, they came to a stop when they came upon a strange and mysterious-looking door for the first time. They stood there with shocked and astonished expressions because this meant that these ruins were indeed part of an ancient civilization which should have been impossible to exist according to their history!

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


I love it when ppl who make HP fanfiction actually make harry use the snake tongue (not gonna even TRY to type its actual name) and have him make relationships with snakes.


He chuckles in slight embarrassment at his outburst, ~You're the dropped egg.~ he pouts and mutters childishly before quickly walking away. Ignoring the surprised shout of ~SPEAKER!?~.

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path ((Rewrite))

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path ((Rewrite))

Book&Literature · Niggross

Replied to ImpishWolf

knowing anime.......probably trap


Nodding to himself, 799 thought, 'Okay, so the base stat of a fetus is 1. So the extra stat point in STR, DEX, and END must be from the time I got stat from hearing God's voice and used my legs too much. Though it's strange why I didn't get any more stats even though I withstood so many of the Gods' attacks... is it because 'Invulnerability' got updated?'

The Cursed Gamer

The Cursed Gamer

Anime & Comics · Master4thWall

Replied to CONNER_Jackson

Thx man your a.......well i can't call you a saint but your something along those lines!


She's hugging him a moment later… and not being at all subtle about what she wants as she moans and rubs against him. Blushing, Izuku ponders what to do about THIS new development. Not that he's all that surprised, before All Might's arrival, Nana had begun to get handsy with him, having sensed Izuku's erection from her soft body pressed against his.

The Successor (My Hero Academia)

The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Anime & Comics · CambrianBeckett

Replied to Alexander_Rosario_6181


'I will not land. There are too many of them down there. One of them could hit me into an eye or other weak spot.'

Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Fantasy · AnonymUser

Replied to God_Of_Wolves

I don't know and i hope i never find out......

"Wendigo," Arima muttered after he saw them. It was the first thing he compared them to. Then, he gazed at the last figure. It was a gray skeleton wearing a black cloak. There were flames blazing in his eyes socket.

Life Hunter

Life Hunter

Fantasy · AhraManyu

Replied to Erebos592

just look at that award winning smile

Also, nothing they do can even compare with what I do to my victims. Don't mistake me for naive, I know very well that I rival Nurgle on the 'Oh fuck no!' list of body horror.

Halo: Gravemind’s Survival Guide In Warhammer 40K

Halo: Gravemind’s Survival Guide In Warhammer 40K

Video Games · Kais_Imperium



Also, nothing they do can even compare with what I do to my victims. Don't mistake me for naive, I know very well that I rival Nurgle on the 'Oh fuck no!' list of body horror.

Halo: Gravemind’s Survival Guide In Warhammer 40K

Halo: Gravemind’s Survival Guide In Warhammer 40K

Video Games · Kais_Imperium

Replied to Auther_Uchiha


as I laid there bleeding out, I felt some sorrow and thought 'damn I never got to play that game I just bought' I had just recently bought an indie game that I had watched others play and wanted to try it too 'what.. was it.. called again... Hollow Knight?'

Traveling the multiverse reincarnated as Hollow knight

Traveling the multiverse reincarnated as Hollow knight

Video Games · Duncan_Quan

Replied to SpiritsGoCrazy

actually some children are born with hair

After half an hour Kaji was exhausted just watching this but, what caught his attention was the newborn babies, there were two of them, they were twins. The two baby girls were born and were lying in her mother's arms. One had pink hair and red eyes, while the other twin had sky blue hair, light blue eyes.

Re: zero True oni

Re: zero True oni

Anime & Comics · xRead

Replied to Jelly_Pie_2345

sent ya a friend request.

"Hm. Okay..." he stands, carefully takes a hold of her crystal ball, and slams it over the elderly woman's head, shattering it and knocking her unconscious. He swipes her tarot cards and walks out, following Kali back to their hotel.

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Book&Literature · Niggross

Replied to Jelly_Pie_2345

you there?

"Hm. Okay..." he stands, carefully takes a hold of her crystal ball, and slams it over the elderly woman's head, shattering it and knocking her unconscious. He swipes her tarot cards and walks out, following Kali back to their hotel.

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Book&Literature · Niggross

Replied to

whats your discord name?

"Hm. Okay..." he stands, carefully takes a hold of her crystal ball, and slams it over the elderly woman's head, shattering it and knocking her unconscious. He swipes her tarot cards and walks out, following Kali back to their hotel.

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Book&Literature · Niggross

Replied to


"Hm. Okay..." he stands, carefully takes a hold of her crystal ball, and slams it over the elderly woman's head, shattering it and knocking her unconscious. He swipes her tarot cards and walks out, following Kali back to their hotel.

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Book&Literature · Niggross



"Hm. Okay..." he stands, carefully takes a hold of her crystal ball, and slams it over the elderly woman's head, shattering it and knocking her unconscious. He swipes her tarot cards and walks out, following Kali back to their hotel.

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

Book&Literature · Niggross

Replied to waffle40582


~This is a stupid idea, so why am I doing it?~ he thought to himself as he took a route around the worms to approach them from behind.

Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
