

LV 4
2020-10-19 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Ascension Island
ป้าย 6

Moments 2649
3 days ago
Replied to mmkmk

I see ur point but tbh better cut out the cancer from its root, if the faith survives who says they won't have the same sentiments against the targaryens in the future.

"Now that the Faith has revealed its true color, there is no need for it any longer in my Kingdom. I, Jaehaerys Targaryen, issue that Faith of the Seven is no longer a practiced religion in Westeros. Pep Within a moon, all the Septs and Places of Worship will be removed. After a moon, any man or woman in the clothes of Septon or Septa will be killed on sight."

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

Book&Literature · Agora1

5 days ago

How different are they from the lord of light if they do the same heinous things?? Hypocrisy at its finest

The Archmaester Melwy clenched his teeth but swallowed his anger. He knew better than to argue with fool. "Of course, Your Holiness. But it will be all the more fitting for him to be brought before you. To be burned alive as a tribute to the Stranger."

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

Book&Literature · Agora1

5 days ago
Replied to Agora1

looks like daenerys' older sister lol

Alyssa Targaryen [Younger Sister, Born 60 AC]

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

Book&Literature · Agora1

6 days ago

First got mc out of dozens ive seen have this sentiment

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

Book&Literature · Agora1

6 days ago

Holy shit liking mc more and more

But Baelon wasn't finished. His voice remained steady, unshaken. "I'm not saying this to anger you, Father. But I think you love the throne far more than you love us."

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

Book&Literature · Agora1

6 days ago

Tbh jaeherys' time is one of the better more peaceful times although almost all of his children died but mc can prob change that

Baelon—or James, as he still thought of himself—knew that he had been given a rare opportunity, a chance to rewrite history. But he also knew that the dangers were immense. This was a world of dragons and politics, where a single misstep could lead to death. He had knowledge that no one else in this world possessed, but that knowledge could be both a blessing and a curse.

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

HOTD : Reborn as Spring Prince

Book&Literature · Agora1

6 days ago
Replied to oddsyd

U seem to have no experience on having a sibling. Mc could be described the same way except he's the second so all the glory goes to rhaegar. Coupled with the fact that he had a pretty bad childhood with his crazy abusive father and aloof brother it makes sense he is the way he is

A heavy silence fell between us after those words. I needed to think over the situation and make perhaps the most important decision of my life: am I ready to become a kinslayer for the crown? As terrible a person as Aerys may be, he is still my father. But on the other hand, can I hesitate? I am the one destined to save all of humanity. This is my fate, which means everything has long been decided.

Game of Thrones: The Dragon Duel

Game of Thrones: The Dragon Duel

TV · NickB_Larnm

6 days ago
Replied to Sothisq

Can you give the raw name of the fic?

6 days ago

Def seems like a cn translation. All of cn mcs in marvel keeps praising characters with asian esthetics smh

I could even call her a beauty, but that was mostly my preference for East Asian girls. She was Cindy Moon, and, as Peter knew, she had an eidetic memory.

Am I (Not) a Hero?

Am I (Not) a Hero?

Anime & Comics · Sothisq