Gargor - Profile



LV 14

Favourite novels on here has to be ones with Systems, althoug there a few like God of Slaughter which is a masterpeice imo.

2020-10-18 เข้าร่วมแล้ว European Union

ป้าย 25

Moments 1545



Max nervously smiled, he couldn't help but think Ray was a little crazy but something was attracting him to this person and he didn't know why.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Tell Ray, get him to teleport!

"What happened Monk!" Dan shouted, "Are you possessed by the Shadow, is that why you are doing this."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga



The second search party consisted of the same members as last time, only Kyle had been added as well. Although Slyvia insisted on a bigger search party the Knights were spread thin helping out the neighbouring cities. Even Kyle had just got back from completing a mission.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga



He had wanted to go out on an adventure with Gary, Ray and Jack. After all, they were the original Trio. But in the end, Ray had said it was too dangerous for Monk and those words were what made him train and work harder than ever.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga


There was no Shadow Plague while Sen was alive. Perhaps thats why, Dragons are the only cure to the Plague. Dragon breath. Or the 12 uses of Dragons Blood as Dumbledore discovered 😅

"I am personally against that idea." Lenny said, "It would be best If I was to study the device first. Removing the hammer might kill the man. This hammer managed to infect you with the Shadow meaning it is somehow linked to the Shadow plague. Perhaps if we study it a bit more, we can unlock some secrets behind the shadow plague and cure you of your illness."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga



Gary continued to question Lenny about whether or not the rope could really hold the man and the rest felt the same way. They had seen the demon man's power and found it hard that a rope exited that was able to hold something that powerful back.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to sage10001

They prob tried that when he was first "captured/surrendered"

The way back was unlike the way there, they encountered no more ambushes and were able to continue travelling forward. The demon man remained unconscious lying on the back of Lenny's horse bound by the magical rope.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Chris_Smith_6876

A little blech will get rid of it 😅

"I'm afraid so, now don't be frightened when I tell you this but it seems like you have been infected by the Shadow plague. It must have happened when you were hit by the hammer. It's still weak at the moment but soon it might take over your body."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to bryan3126

Arthurs chains only bound his sword, they didn't bind people.

"This is one of the strongest binding spells known in existence," Lenny said, "It will be impossible for him to escape something like this."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Werewolf_8817

He can't steal from the infected! It was mentioned in an earlier chapter.

The flames and the demon man's power started to die down. And now Ray had managed to make a full recovery.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Daku_Doragon



But then, A black blade flew through the air past Ray and stuck into the demon man's shoulder. It was Gary's Black blade. The demon man howled in pain and started to stagger backward. The flames and heat around the man started to die down as well.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to SkywardTaco

The Catholic church for example? The most evil Cult/Cabal in the world! 1 of the ten commandments was 'Thou shalt not kill'! How many were butchered in the Holy Crusades? Religion is like the Shadow Plague upon this Earth 😢

"These two do not work for me, they are the protectors of this place for the Shadow plague, maybe you humans who worship a single weak god wouldn't understand but we are our own people. Many real gods dwell in the land of the Shadow plague."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga



The Demon man stood there with his hammer held in his hand looking at the group above. Then he started to head deeper into the dead forest.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to StrawHat14

He isn't Eno yet, he isn't a Vampire yet!

"He is dead, I cannot bring the dead back to life."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Evasive tactics! zig zag movements! The creature won't have infinite parts to throw! Just keep moving side to side etc! People of this world are sooo dumb 🤦‍♂️

Just as Lenny had said, it seemed like the beast would only attack those that dared to move. But if they didn't move, they could no longer progress forward. Ray, Gary and Jack were the furthest away from the beast and the others.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Carlos_0219

My thoughts as well

"No one move," Lenny said, "Only defend, and be ready for it to throw something at you. I will move first."

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Like the beast under Avrion?

Eating any beast they found, causing it to become a part of its own body. The creature didn't look strong for it was small in size but from the tone of Lenny's voice everyone could tell he was very serious.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga



But there were unwritten rules when these duels happened. No one was to get involved in the fight between two warriors. What the demon had suggested is one of these duels but the question on everyone's mind was, would a minion of the Shadow plague be able to keep their word.

My Dragon System

My Dragon System

Fantasy · JKSManga
