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2020-10-09 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 7

Moments 259

Replied to _Avatar0FFury_

Hiiii(I should read my replies)👋😁

"ERHM…..You look a little weak, fifth-waver. I know, ironic coming from me. But I know you want to be strong. Sometimes that's all it takes— if you become an Island-Lord, come find me. I'll join you."

Beasts: Reborn (REVAMPED)

Beasts: Reborn (REVAMPED)

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_



"ERHM…..You look a little weak, fifth-waver. I know, ironic coming from me. But I know you want to be strong. Sometimes that's all it takes— if you become an Island-Lord, come find me. I'll join you."

Beasts: Reborn (REVAMPED)

Beasts: Reborn (REVAMPED)

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_

Replied to Ji_Tiandao

he was in a different state of mind at that time.

Without any hesitation, Jonathan responded, "If he were to grab a weapon, I would aim to disable his weapon hand. If he continued to resist, I would aim for his other hand, and then his legs, until he lost his ability to resist. At that point, the captain would be able to arrest him."



Games · FETI


I think we are going to need some context after that statement...

Apotheosis Online: Birth of the Virtuous Sinner

Apotheosis Online: Birth of the Virtuous Sinner

Games · EG0


Thanks for the chap👌

ch 331 CHPT 331: Preparations, Memories, The City Awaits...

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


It is what it is 🤷‍♂️

I couldn't help but stare at Kat's face. Damn, why aren't you affected at all? You just killed a cute animal! Why is your face still like that?

Hvisland: A VR Colony Sim Game

Hvisland: A VR Colony Sim Game

Games · Gaasuja

Replied to _Avatar0FFury_

Ohhh, didn't even make that connection lol.

Aeron's words flooded into his mind, "You smell of Wolf..Magic and many others...."

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_



Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the Shark and his Octopus girlfriend are heading towards Oceabal with a force of their own to take it down. You can communicate with them and decide where to his next. When that is done, one of you three can relay the information to me, and we can meet up then.

The Evolution Chronicles

The Evolution Chronicles

Fantasy · Nilo_A



Harvesting The Witch Queen

Harvesting The Witch Queen

Fantasy · CamilleJuteau


Another three weeks :/

There's not many things I've wanted in life. But flying is certainly one of them. I've been trying for the past 3 weeks to get my wings strong enough to glide let alone fly. My wings have grown to around 5 feet across. Almost twice the length of my body. The way I've been training them has been fairly ridiculous. I've been doing push ups with them! I needed to strengthen the muscles that flap my wings. As such I figured that doing pushups would be just the thing. After 3 weeks I feel my muscles are strong enough to hold my weight for a while. I started going up the towers platforms that I always train on. After reaching the middle I laid there a bit for some rest. Some of you might be thinking that the wind magic will just force me to the ground right? Wrong! It actually helps a little when attempting to glide. Turns out that the spacing between the platforms is different after halfway. It's meant to help strengthen anything with wings. I spread my wings and and get ready to jump. ( test number 49 readying for turbulence and attempting to cross to the great unknown) What? I get to feel like a kid a little. I jumped. The wind catches my wings from below and lightly pushes me up a little to the next platform. As I go the wind feels nice on my wings. Stretching them a little. I finally reached that platform I've been trying to reach for months. ( Yes!!!!! Finally!!!!) I screamed in my mind.

My Life as a Salamander

My Life as a Salamander

Fantasy · brother_pheonix


Why spiritual pain?🤔

I thought about what happened during my evolution. ( I hope not everyone has to go through that experience when they evolve.) I heard a ding. / Hosts concerns are unfounded. The reason that host felt excessive pain is because most familiars can eat a pain killing substance. Unfortunately for host it would just burn off. So you will have to endure more pain later. Also due to hosts evolution I must inform you late. Host has now gained Pain Resistance lvl 3 due to enduring extreme mental, physical, and spiritual pain from evolution. Host now must deal with 70% of the real pain. Each lvl decreases pain felt by 10 percent./

My Life as a Salamander

My Life as a Salamander

Fantasy · brother_pheonix
