It's just that the MC didn't ask jack shit from Greg. Greg asked how they could repay him for directing his attention to the Mythical Bull. All Jason asked for in return was the Heaven Hell technique, which his parents had already considered giving him to help increase his soul size after the awakening ceremony exposed his weakness. So there isn't any cause for his parents to be concerned that Jason has any ulterior motive for befriending their son since they themselves offered to sponsor Jason with their nobility slot already knowing his shortcomings. I don't give af how many perfidious parents they have encountered before. It's as if they author changed the parents' characteristics in the middle of establishing them. Sorry, not sorry. It doesn't make sense.
I also hope that you don't mind us testing you because we have already seen a few youths who befriended Greg and even Malia because of our wealth.
Urban · HideousGrain
why didn't he just use a few of those attacks against their ships when they first arrived?
Wait until earth gets a look at the size of the visitors' space fleet.
While the opportunity for Henry to learn was a significant reason for his attendance, this particular meeting was set to address a crucial issue. Aron wanted Henry to be present not only to gain insights but also to be fully informed about the important matters at hand. Understanding these key issues would help Henry make an informed decision about his future role, as knowledge and context often influence our choices.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
Seems you are misinformed. The evidence of illegal immigrants being caged turned out to be photos taken during the previous administration's occupation. Obama was the one responsible for that embarrassing incident. Regardless, the real culprits were those trying to cross a border illegally.
{There are other options, you know,} Nyx said. {Humankind has a long history of internment camps, where they rounded up so-called ‘undesirable’ elements of society and put them all in one area. Hitler had concentration camps for the Jews, America had internment camps for Japanese-Americans, Trump rounded up ‘illegal immigrants’ and put them in cages. Joe Arpaio’s tent cities, and so on.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
nice try, but I'm pretty sure the actual translation would be " not bad....not bad"
Didn't 6 Star pinnacle master teacher Mo Gaoyuan, from the master teacher pavilion, check the recorded master teachers only to not find any record of his teacher? Seems an elder of the master teachers' headquarters would not only be listed, but we'll known as well.
So that's the reason…
Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
I'm laughing out loud now. I put this novel aside a month ago to let the chapters build up, and today caught up on those chapters. it was pretty easy, a whopping 4 chapters.
since you are letting me play with yours......
Yun Suyi blushed. She seemed to fall into deep thought, but she still accepted the knife. She held it uncomfortably and said, "Okay. I will use this for now."
Sci-fi · Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim
Do you truly believe Chinese people eat their domesticated pets? I feel sorry for you if that's what you think. It's those kind of xenophobic stereotypes that keep this world shrouded in hatred.
I can understand if you're disgusted by us or you don't want to have to do anything with us anymore. You can decide that on your own."
God´s Eyes
Urban · HideousGrain