Something else could have become a trigger don’t blame the child
Would my wife had gone into shock and then slid into a coma?
Urban · Eaglewoman
Aww she’s jaundice
"Well, she came out a little premature. So there is a little bit of…respiratory problem. Her lungs are not fully developed yet, and it's going to be difficult for her to breathe.
Urban · Eaglewoman
"You're welcome. Well, the girl…there are some implications concerning her birth."
Urban · Eaglewoman
Emergency c section and Edwina is coherent you don’t need his signature
"Let's hope they do. I need you to follow me to the front desk and sign the paperwork signalling that you knew about the operation we are about to do, and that you are okay with it."
Urban · Eaglewoman
He gently eased away from my anxious grip.
Urban · Eaglewoman
Premature doesn’t 100% mean death my kids are healthy in their 20’s
It wasn't up to nine months yet. If Edwina gave birth right now the baby would be premature. And would likely die.
Urban · Eaglewoman
"You know Archie is right. You look so…tired," she said softly. I shook my head. "I don't feel tired," I objected.
Urban · Eaglewoman
The child needs his father also
I put my personal assistant in charge of everything that could come up during my absence and stayed with my wife in her ward. I slept and woke up there, leaving Noah to stay with Charlotte and Archie.
Urban · Eaglewoman
She needs that exertion to heal and strengthen
I read to her. I sang for her. Whenever she felt like watching movies, I put on her favourite show for her. I indulged her and didn't even let her do anything that would do as much as exert her.
Urban · Eaglewoman
Winning My Ex-Wife Back
Urban · Eaglewoman